study by vocation or for employment and earn more than 1,500 euros

by time news

2023-06-11 20:36:05

University students look for the best possible professional opportunity and for this they need to find adequate studies to combine their desires with a guarantee of finding a job, choose between what one would like to be and what one can really be, between vocation or future. Choosing a career with high employability can increase the probability of being employed once they finish their studies by up to 25 percentage points compared to another with low employment. A percentage that shoots up 82 points on the probability of having a net monthly salary of more than 1,500 euros; in 81 points that of having a job adjusted to the level of studies; and almost double (91.8) the probability of having a job related to the area of ​​study that has been completed.

This is determined by the “Analysis of the labor insertion of university graduates” of the U-Ranking project published jointly by the BBVA Foundation and the Valencian Institute of Economic Research (IVIE), which dissects the situation of university degrees, on which it concludes that those related to the areas of Information Technology, Engineering and Health are the ones with the highest employment rates and the highest percentage of employed persons in all the scales: that of the salary greater than or equal to 1,500 euros, that of highly qualified occupations and that of people working on tasks related to the studies they have completed.

Los Spanish university graduates face greater insertion problems than those from the EU-27 countries, with 7 and 8 percentage points below the average. In eleven European countries, youth employment rates exceed 90%, while in Spain it does not reach 77% in 2021, below the average (84.9%) and only ahead of Italy and Greece. Yes indeed, university students –whether Spanish or from other EU countries– enjoy additional advantages in various facets: such as salary –with an average annual income of 12,000 euros higher than those employed with post-compulsory studies–, the type of contract and the occupation they perform. Although the salary differences are smaller among the young population, the average income of graduates is almost 4,000 euros higher than those who have not studied at the university.

Informática offers the best job placement indicators, with an employment rate of 96.3%, a percentage of employed persons with a salary greater than or equal to 1,500 euros, which is close to 80%; 92.8% of highly qualified occupations and 89% of graduates working in activities related to their studies. In second place are graduates in engineering, industry and construction and, in third place, those in health and social services.

The report also points out that the major determinants of employment and its quality are, fundamentally, the degree chosen by the student and the autonomous community in which they live or to which they travel to work. According to the scale established by the report, Computer Science, Engineering and Health is followed by the Agriculture group –in which livestock, forestry, fishing and veterinary medicine are included–, which is positioned in fourth place, and then Education, Business, Administration and Law, Sciences, Social Sciences, Journalism and Documentation, Services and, finally, Arts and Humanities .

The study breaks down the 10 groups of studies into 101 fields of study. For your push results, the list by fields is headed by Medicine, with an employment rate of 95%, 91.8% of employed persons earning 1,500 or more euros per month, and practically 100% of the graduates working in highly qualified occupations and in activities directly related to their studies. Eight engineering, together with Computer Science, occupy the following nine steps. In descending order they are Aeronautical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Industrial Technology Engineering, Computer Science, Telecommunications Engineering, Software Development and applications and Multimedia Engineering, Energy Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronic Engineering.

On the other side of the coin is Archeology, since it is the study that shows the worst results for labor insertion., with a 77% employment rate and only 10% of the employed have salaries equal to or greater than 1,500 euros. Likewise, only 62% of the occupations are highly qualified while 54% of the graduates are working in their area of ​​study. In addition to Archaeology, the other fields of study that have low levels of employability are Art History, Conservation and Restoration, Fine Arts, and Public Administration and Management.

The study shows that the universities that have the best job placement results are the polytechnics and some private universities located in the Madrid area; while the public ones have more modest results. The Polytechnic University of Madrid ranks first with a Social Security affiliation rate of 76% of its graduates, a salary with an average contribution base of 32,242 euros per year and 74.5% of employees adjusted to their level of studies. Two other polytechnic universities, Cartagena and Catalonia, together with the Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila Catholic University and the Nebrija University, complete the list up to fifth place.

The study also explains that the general position regarding insertion of each university is highly conditioned by the specialization of its studies, that is, the degrees offered by each institution. The polytechnics, with a high weight of degrees and with very good insertion results, stand out in the top positions. Also at the top of the table are many private and young universities, which have recently structured their offer of degrees and have opted for a composition of titles with good insertion results. On the contrary, public universities that come from the historical general studies, due to their origin, tend to address all fields of specialization and maintain a part of their offer in fields of knowledge with limited employability, this reality influencing some results of labor insertion. that place them in the lower third of the classification.

It must be remembered that while the general unemployment rate in our country has stood at 12.7% -according to the latest data from the INE-, in university graduates it is almost half, 6.6%, percentages that are twice the EU average. Thus, unemployment throughout the community is at 6%, a record low, and 6.6% in the euro area, with 3.1% university unemployment.

#study #vocation #employment #earn #euros

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