Study Reveals How Pizza Ingredients Can Alleviate Rheumatism Pain

by time news

2023-08-23 20:27:55
Title: New Study Reveals Pizza Ingredients Can Alleviate Rheumatism Symptoms

Date: August 23, 2023

By: Alina Schroeder

A recent study conducted in Italy sheds light on a surprising discovery – two common ingredients found in pizza can significantly alleviate rheumatism pain. Rheumatism, a painful joint and muscle condition, affects a large number of people worldwide. However, researchers have identified a potential solution that may bring relief to individuals suffering from this debilitating disease.

According to the Rheumatism League, rheumatoid arthritis is the most prevalent form of rheumatism, affecting approximately 1% of the population in Germany alone. Predominantly found in women, it often begins with joint pain and swelling in the fingers and toes, gradually spreading to other joints over time. Additional symptoms include inflammation of the tendon sheaths and bursa, rheumatoid nodules, fatigue, poor performance, night sweats, sleep disorders, weight loss, and fever.

While diet has been proven to play a crucial role in managing rheumatic symptoms, pizza is an unexpected addition to the list of foods with potential benefits. A recent study published in the specialist magazine “Nutrients,” conducted jointly by Italian and American researchers, observed the eating habits of 365 rheumatism patients aged between 18 and 65 over a year-long period.

The study found that those who consumed half a pizza once a week experienced a remarkable reduction in inflammation, pain, and swelling, up to 80%. Researchers attribute this improvement to two key ingredients commonly found in pizza – mozzarella cheese and olive oil. The scientists suggest that “the positive effects were likely caused by mozzarella cheese and, to a lesser extent, olive oil.”

Mozzarella cheese, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, contains biologically valuable milk proteins that counteract the glycemic response, slowing down the increase in blood sugar levels associated with consuming carbohydrates. Olive oil, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, also aids in reducing inflammation caused by rheumatism.

However, the study does not imply that pizza should become a staple in rheumatism patients’ diets. Pizza often contains harmful saturated fats that can lead to increased cholesterol levels. The key lies in incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into one’s regime effectively.

While this study offers hope for individuals suffering from rheumatism, further research is necessary to understand the full extent of these findings. Nonetheless, these results provide valuable insight into the potential benefits of certain ingredients and their role in managing rheumatism symptoms. As scientists continue to explore the impact of diet on such chronic conditions, individuals affected by rheumatism may find some relief by incorporating specific ingredients into their meals.

In conclusion, pizza, typically associated with indulgence, can surprisingly serve as a potential aid in alleviating rheumatism symptoms. Further studies are needed to fully comprehend the mechanisms behind this phenomenon. Nonetheless, this research indicates that mozzarella cheese and olive oil may hold promising anti-inflammatory properties, offering hope for individuals battling the pain of rheumatism.]
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