Study reveals that men suffer more from the death of their partner than women

by time news

2023-09-01 22:01:15

Although we all know that the only certain thing is death, no one likes to imagine their life without that special someone, especially those men, who suffer more with the death of their partneraccording to a study.

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What happens in widowhood?

According to an article published by the Cuban Journal of Integral Medicinegoing through the widowhood process will inevitably generate a transitory crisis that becomes difficult to overcome without the support of friends or family support networks.

After one of the parties of the couple dies, mourning for widowhood begins in which many physical and mental symptoms manifest, the most predominant being depression and anxiety.

Furthermore, in a study published by the Spanish Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology It was found that widowed people report having an emotional void that is impossible to fill, causing a feeling of loneliness that accentuates depressive episodes.

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Do men or women suffer more in widowhood?

And although widowhood is a phenomenon that affects everyone, the truth is that there are sectors that are more vulnerable than others.

In fact, a study published by the United States National Library of Medicine studied the differences between the widowhood experience of men and women; the result was that men suffer more from the death of their partner than women.

This does not mean that women do not suffer from widowhood, as it is still a traumatic event that can hardly be overcome, however, the analysis showed that it is more difficult for men to overcome the situation than women.

The causes of this phenomenon remain a mystery, however there are those who believe that it is because men usually have less emotional intelligence than women, which makes it difficult for them to understand their emotions.

What this study did find was that men tend to have greater emotional consequences (such as depression and loneliness), while women have physical symptoms such as poor quality or loss of sleep.

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How to overcome the mourning of widowhood?

He US National Institute on Aging Mention some recommendations to help mourn the loss of a partner:

Find or build a support network: Friends or family are key to coping with this complicated situation. Acceptance of emotions: It is normal to feel anger, frustration and deep sadness, allow yourself to feel everything without judging or pressuring yourself. Maintain plans and activity General: It is essential to maintain or follow a routine that forces you to get out of bed or out of your house to keep symptoms of severe depression or complicated grief at bay. Take your time before returning to social life: Do not rush things, allow yourself to experience each part of the grief to bring a healthy closure

Now that you know why men suffer more with the death of their partnerRemember that if you are or know someone who is going through this situation, do not leave them alone and show them your support, also, if necessary, they can seek professional attention.

If you want to know more about the duel, we share this video with you.

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