Study Shows Electric Scooter Accidents Straining Emergency Services in Sweden with Over 1,800 Fractures Recorded

by time news

Fractures from Electric Scooter Accidents Straining Emergency Medical Services in Sweden

A new study conducted at the Academic Hospital and Uppsala University in Sweden has revealed the burden that fractures caused by electric scooter accidents are placing on the country’s already strained emergency medical services. Senior physician in orthopedics at the Academic Hospital, Björn Hernefalk, who was involved in the research, highlighted the issue in a press release.

The study, which reviewed data from April 2019 to December 2022, found that over 1,700 people sought medical care for fractures resulting from electric scooter accidents during that period. Shockingly, more than 1,800 fractures were recorded, with one-third of them requiring surgical intervention.

The research revealed that the average age of patients seeking treatment for these fractures was 29 years, and 70 percent of them were men. Furthermore, children were also found to be affected, with over 400 fractures recorded among them.

The most common types of fractures observed included those affecting the scapula, clavicle, upper and lower arm, and wrist, which accounted for nearly 80 percent of all fractures. However, it is important to note that the study only included fractures requiring orthopedic treatment and did not account for injuries to the chest and ribs, head injuries, abdominal injuries, and wounds. This suggests that the overall extent of injuries caused by electric scooter accidents may be significantly higher.

Given these findings, the researchers behind the study are urging increased awareness of the risks associated with electric scooters. As more people embrace this mode of transportation, it becomes crucial to educate users on safety precautions and the potential dangers involved.

The strain on emergency medical services brought about by electric scooter accidents underscores the need for improved infrastructure and regulations surrounding this form of transportation. The study’s findings should serve as a wake-up call for policymakers and transport authorities to address these issues promptly.

As electric scooters continue to gain popularity worldwide, it is imperative that safety measures are implemented to protect riders and prevent unnecessary injuries. Cooperation between medical professionals, policymakers, and scooter rental companies is key to ensuring the well-being of scooter users and alleviating the strain on emergency services.

Overall, this study sheds light on a pressing issue that demands attention: the need to prioritize safety and minimize the risks associated with electric scooter usage. Failure to address this issue promptly could have far-reaching consequences for both users and emergency medical services.

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