Study shows how you burn calories step by step

by time news

During a three-hour hike, we burn more than 1,000 calories, and with an additional bonus: a difference in altitude of 100 meters burns an additional 50 calories on average. Doctors have now discovered that around three quarters of the energy required comes from burning fat.

Hiking is a calorie killer

Researchers from the University of Halle-Wittenberg have examined hiking in more detail: Over a period of seven weeks, test persons met twice a week for hiking. At the end of the investigation, the physical condition was compared with a control group that was not physically active during this period. The result: The weight of the hikers was significantly reduced, as was the heart rate and the measured blood pressure values.

With these 5 tips you can effectively lose weight while hiking

1. Use hiking sticks

By swinging the hiking sticks, the calorie consumption can be increased by up to 50 percent.

2. Install change of pace

If you want to burn calories effectively, you change the pace as with other sports. Walk at a relaxed pace, then walk at a faster pace to vary your heart rate and boost fat burning.

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3. Extra weight

Anyone who hikes always has luggage in the form of a backpack with them anyway. The more weight you carry, the more calories you burn.

4. Observe hydration

A lack of water can slow down the metabolism and, in the worst case, lead to circulatory problems. So always make sure you have a well-filled water bottle.

5. Select route with ascent

If you are fit and healthy, you can choose beautiful routes with climbs in addition to the change of pace. The higher you are above sea level, the lower the oxygen content in the air; therefore, both heart rate and respiratory rate are increased to take in the same amount of oxygen. Oxygen uptake influences calorie consumption, muscle work and thus performance.

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