Stunning determination from “The Economist”: “Austria is Putin’s executioner, just like Hungary! Useful idiots!”

by time news

2023-07-06 22:34:08

Vienna. A list published by the British news magazine “The Economist” on Monday fell like a bombshell! In the introductory article of the famous newspaper “Many European politicians fail to fight Russia” remarks were noted.

According to the newspaper, Russia’s efforts to maintain its influence in Europe have not been wholly successful, but have not yet been wholly unsuccessful either. Despite overwhelming support for Ukraine, which continues to suffer from Russia’s brutal and unjust war, there is still a subculture that endorses the crimes of the Putin regime.

Political extremes agree on “peace”

The ‘Economist’, besides expressing this openly, supports the Kremlin’s rhetoric in the West and thus harms Ukraine. „useful idiots“ The listing under the name attracted attention. The magazine reports that the parties of the far-right and the far-left, which are often fundamentally opposed to each other, create an urgent call to “effectively reward Russia’s wartime aggression with territory conquered and occupied” in Ukraine, thereby acknowledging Moscow’s territorial gains. “peace” He claims they are united in his call.

Here are their claims from The Economist:

Despite the numerous Western sanctions and the condemnation of Russia’s crimes in Ukraine, Russia still has many “friends” in the West. For example, the former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder is mentioned and Schroeder’s „Putin supporter“ is clearly declared.

Putin’s ‘most obvious supporter’

According to the Economist, although many European governments are counted among Putin’s aides, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is at the forefront as one of Putin’s “most obvious supporters”. Orban’s repeated criticism of the West’s support for Ukraine and his government’s continued import of Russian gas to Hungary are cited as the reason for this. The Orban government also does not allow weapons supplied to Ukraine by Hungary’s NATO and EU partners to be transported through its country.

Austria moves its trade further

Right after Hungary, Austria is also mentioned: Austria ‘withdrew from the war’, referring to its neutrality, on the grounds that it was not a member of NATO and rather wanted to build a bridge between East and West. There is little support for Ukraine, but trade with Russia has increased significantly. This money is indirectly reflected in the war chest.

Greece is also cited as a brake on EU sanctions: despite being an EU member, it is hesitant to tighten restrictions on the transport of Russian oil, presumably because Greek companies profit from the trade.

Countries exploit lucrative loopholes

Greece, another EU member, complied with EU sanctions but was reluctant to tighten restrictions on the transport of Russian oil, presumably because Greek companies profited from this trade. On the other hand, non-EU countries such as Turkey and Serbia, which are much less exposed to international pressure, will not even try to hide the lucrative backdoors they offer to Russia.

Switzerland also performs only moderately well in the rankings: it has blocked arms shipments to Ukraine, citing its ‘laudable’ neutrality; including 96 mothballed Leopard tanks from Italy that turned out to be owned by a private Swiss company.

According to „The Economist“, the explanations of „useful idiots“ are surprisingly resistant. The journal compiled its main theses, which are far from impartiality, as follows:

“NATO ‘provoked’ Russia’s repeated attacks and eventual invasion of Ukraine. Ukraine is an artificial entity created on land owned by Russia. The US likes to add fuel to the fire to sell weapons and maintain its global hegemony.”

“Useful idiot”

Useful idiot or idiot in political jargon; is a pejorative term denoting a person who is perceived as propagating a cause without fully understanding its aims and is used sarcastically by the leaders of the cause. The term was first used during the Cold War to describe non-communists who were seen as open to communist propaganda and manipulation, and is often attributed to Vladimir Lenin, but this attribution has so far been unconfirmed.

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#Stunning #determination #Economist #Austria #Putins #executioner #Hungary #idiots

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