Suan Dusit Poll revealed More than half of Thai people ‘Somewhat worried’ about smallpox, believes government can handle it

by time news

Suan Dusit Poll revealed More than half of Thai people ‘Somewhat worried’ about smallpox, believes government can handle it

On August 14th, Suan Dusit Poll, Suan Dusit University has revealed the results of a nationwide public opinion poll on the issue “What do Thai people think? with monkey pox,” found that more than 50 percent of people are quite worried. with some knowledge and understanding about monkey pox The most trusted information source is information from the Ministry of Public Health. Between COVID-19 and monkeypox, people are equally concerned about both diseases, and they think the government can deal with monkeypox. by wanting the government to announce Constantly notifying accurate news information followed by recommendations on how to protect and take care of themselves to the people

Ms. Pornphan Buathong, Researcher, Suan Dusit Poll, Suan Dusit University Summary of survey results What do Thai people think? with monkey pox that Suan Dusit Poll, Suan Dusit University public opinion polls across the country A total of 1,095 people between August 5-11, 2022 found that from the news of monkeypox that is presented in the media as of today, 54.34% of people are somewhat worried, with some knowledge and understanding about monkeypox, 66.76%. Sources The most trusted information among the public is data from the Ministry of Public Health, 37.17% between COVID-19 and smallpox, 41.19 percent of people are equally concerned about both diseases. let the government announce Consistently giving correct information alerts 81.55%, followed by recommendations for self-protection measures to the people (60.82%).

Although the number of monkey pox cases in Thailand is still relatively low, people are concerned. This may partly be due to lessons learned from the COVID-19 epidemic. In the past, people feel no different. But with the handling of front line medical personnel who do their job very well. People therefore feel that the government should be able to cope with the new epidemic. to reduce various risks that might happen The government should therefore report the situation. Continuously provide knowledge and correct practices to the people

On the other hand, Dr. Panawat Sanprakhon, a lecturer in the Department of Nursing and Community Faculty of Nursing Suan Dusit University states that most people are concerned about smallpox. Because the spread of infection occurs in a wide area around the world. The outlook for the outbreak is unclear and the symptoms are similar for many diseases. Monkeypox not only affects physical illnesses but also affects mental health. economy and society of the patient as well Anxiety about the appearance of blisters on the body The stigma of sex risk factors among MSM and must be isolated as with COVID-19 causing the need to stop work, which affects income At the same time, the cost of treatment is increasing. This effect will be more severe among low-income people. Therefore, what people want from the government is to announce accurate information and call on the government to Disclosure of facts At the same time, people should protect themselves as well as COVID-19. as well as continuously follow up on news from the government sector

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