Subcomandante Marcos attacks AMLO and the reform of the Judicial Branch

by times news cr

Given the current crisis due to the reform of the judiciary and the workers’ strike, the spokesman for the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), the SSubcommander Marcos, He lashed out at the president for this fact.

Through a text entitled “The Journey” shared on the site “Zapatista Link”the Zapatista activist and revolutionary strongly criticized the president, assuring that he is quite similar to the Former presidents of the PRI and the PAN which he has criticized so much.

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“He had the authoritarianism of Gustavo Díaz Ordaz; the cardboard nationalism of Luis Echeverría Álvarez, the corrupt demagogy of José López Portillo, the administrative mediocrity of Miguel de la Madrid, the perversity of Carlos Salinas de Gortarithe criminal vocation of Ernesto Zedillo, the encyclopedic ignorance of Vicente Fox, the militarism and short fuse of Felipe Calderón, and the frivolous superficiality of Enrique Peña Nieto. Who is he? Oh, and the court of flatterers of all of them. Presidents change, payrolls change. Self-praise and shrillness are part of the personal style of governing“, said Subcommander Marcos.

In addition to this, he also took the opportunity to criticize the nullity of attention to the Chalco case the reform of the Judicial Branch, pointing out that what is at stake is who manages the “business” of buying and selling justice in our country.

The supposed “defense” of the Judiciary is nothing but self-defense. Criminals tend to unite when they feel threatened. What is at stake is not the autonomy of judges, but who runs the business of buying and selling justice.”

Opposition is also pointed out by Subcomandante Marcos

At the end of his text, the activist also dedicated a few words to the opposition, accusing them of not functioning as a counterweight in Mexican politics and that their only intention is increase the “sale” of their decisions within the Chambers.

“Did you really think that characters like Alito, the Chuchos and whatever the name of the president of the National Action Party is, would be an eligible option? That Bertha’s nonsense would “pull” the young electorate?“.


2024-08-22 05:51:22

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