Success for cannabis in a fungal experiment on pancreatic cancer

by time news

Cannabotec’s botanical drug for pancreatic cancer showed 100% killing of cancer cells without harming the healthy cells in the cell model

Cannabotech, which is involved in the development of a botanical drug based on the extraction of the Cyathus striatus fungus and cannabinoids from the cannabis plant, reports that in an experiment conducted on a cellular model, the fungus extract eliminated 100% of pancreatic cancer cells relatively selectively and without damaging normal cells.

The fungus has been in research to test its anti-cancer efficacy in Prof. Fouad Fares’ laboratory at the University of Haifa for about 8 years and was selected as the preferred candidate for the development of a drug for pancreatic and colon cancer after showing better anti-cancer results than a variety of other fungi tested. A few months ago, Kenbotek received global and exclusive use rights for patents created in Prof. Fares’ research and began leading an accelerated process of developing a botanical drug as defined by the FDA.

The first milestone in the botanical drug development process was defined as the adaptation of fungal growth and extraction methods to the FDA protocol for botanical drug development which the company expects to be significantly cheaper and shorter than the standard drug development process. In addition, the anti-cancer activity of the new fungal extract and the cannabinoid composition developed by Cannabotek on pancreatic cancer were examined.

The company is pleased to announce that in a cell model trial, the adapted extract showed 5 times higher anti-cancer efficacy than the original extract showed while causing 100% mortality from pancreatic cancer cells. At the active concentration on pancreatic cancer cells no damage to the healthy cells was observed. Cannabinoid extraction resulted in mortality of over 80% of pancreatic cancer cells.

Cannbotech expects to complete the feasibility study phase within 12 months, by mid-2023, at the end of which it will work to create a development collaboration with a large pharma company to approve a drug with the FDA. As part of the next milestones in the development process, the company plans to test both the mechanism of action of killing cancer cells by extracts and the combined anti-cancer efficacy of the fungus and cannabinoids together, in cells and animals.

The company is accompanied in the development process by Dr. Yitzhak Angel, a pharmacologist specializing in drug development, with over 35 years of experience in drug development and his work as the director of pharmacology at SANOFI, and Dr. Alex Weissman, an expert in organic chemistry and API, who headed the research department. And the development of the API division at PERRIGO.

Pancreatic cancer is known as one of the most violent cancers with a very low survival rate and is one of the significant causes of mortality in the Western world. The FDA also tends to give companies significant relief in drug development processes for this indication, such as defining the drug as an “orphan drug.”

Prof. Fouad Fares, Senior Cancer Researcher He said: “I am pleased that the collaboration with Kenbotek is bearing fruit and is achieving very impressive results that strengthen the research we conducted at the University of Haifa in recent years. Other types of pancreatic cancer. “

Dr. Yitzhak Angel, Kenbotek’s pharmacological consultant Message: “Developing a botanical drug is a challenging process and the results we have achieved give a real thread to believe that the extracts are effective and safe to use as an anti-cancer treatment for pancreatic cancer. We still have a way to prove this clinical feasibility. most.”

Kenbotek CEO, Elhanan Shaked “We have completed a significant milestone on the way to developing the botanical drug for pancreatic cancer. This is another step that brings us closer to the great vision we set for ourselves and investors about three years ago. I am confident we will continue to meet the deadlines and within 12 months A large pharmaceutical company, facing the FDA. “

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