Sudden death: Argentina’s cardiologist says life every fifteen minutes

by time news

2024-09-01 04:42:25

In Argentina, sudden death is very common common: it is estimated that it occurs one such case every 15 minutes. This adds up to 45 thousand deaths a year, which occur for no apparent reason, often unexpectedly and quickly.

The most recent example is that of Uruguayan player Juan Izquierdo, who died in Brazil this week, after fainting in the middle of a match. The Nacional soccer player had a sudden death, he managed to revive and reach the hospital alive, but he died two days later.

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The authorities don’t like this

Professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is the reason why he always annoys those who believe that they are the true riches.

“He probably died suddenly today most important challenge facing modern psychology. Not because of the large number of deaths it causes – it represents half of all cardiac deaths and 25% of all deaths in the elderly – but because of the large social impact it causes,” he summarized to PROFILE Dr. Mario Fitz Maurice, director of Scientific Communication of Argentine Society of Psychiatry. And he added: “We know it’s a global health problem. The reason is that only in Western countries between 450 and 500 thousand deaths of this type are registered each year, which represents approximately one event of this type per minute.

Doctors understand that “sudden death” is one that occurs unexpectedly within the first hour from the onset of symptoms or – if it occurs in the absence of witnesses – when the deceased has been found in a good condition for at least 24 hours before death. It is usually associated with apparently healthy people with almost no previous symptoms. “In other words, the patient is fine one minute and dies a few minutes later,” he explained. Fitz Mauricewhich directs the National Institute of Arrhythmias (Inadea). And he concluded: “It is a natural, unexpected and rapid phenomenon that causes an unstable state of the heart’s electricity leading to a fatal arrhythmia.”

Also, to complete the picture, experts remember that sudden death has two peaks of the highest incidence at different ages: “The first time was held during the leaf and it is often linked to congenital pathologies. And then cases increase in men, starting at age 45, when coronary heart disease begins to be more common. Among women, on the other hand, this is the record ten years later,” he explained. Fernando Scazzuso, head of Electrophysiology and Arrhythmias at the Buenos Aires Cardiovascular Institute (ICBA).

CPR: an essential skill

Why is response time important to resolving these situations effectively? Simple: if you start cardiopulmonary resuscitation.RCP), in the form immediately and it can be done use of an external defibrillator (DEA), it is possible change it to the poor prognosis of the affected person.

“If people help in first minute of the event, between 70 and 80% of cases you will be able to reach a health center alive. But with an additional delay until the start of CPR procedures, those chances decrease by at least 10% for each minute of delay,” explained the doctor. Ana Salvati, President of the Argentine Cardiological Foundation. “If we calculate, it is easy to understand that after 10 minutes the chances of saving the person are close to zero. But, in addition, starting three minutes after cardiac arrest, the lack of oxygen supply to the brain causes irreversible muscle damage, if you do not help the victim with chest compressions shown to maintain blood flow (CPR) and the brain “Keep oxygenating.”

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Experts remind that it is important to consider that many cases of sudden death – around 70% of the recorded cases of this type – occur outside the medical fields. It happens on the street, in clubs, in courts, at events, in the mall or at the airport. And the first “responders” in these situations are often people not related to the health system. “For this reason, it is important that as a society we know how to do CPR and how to use an AED,” he said. Teresa Garcia Bottacardiologist and sportsman. “The care that the victim of sudden death receives in the first minutes of the attack is important for their survival and also to reduce the long-term consequences,” he pointed out.

The expert revealed another aspect related to current events: the fear that is related to sudden death and sports. “It is well known that regular physical activity promotes healthy lifestyle habits.”, García Botta closed. “But it is true that high-level work requires preparation and training that is not only done in the way that is planned, but also in compliance with all periodic medical examinations.”

And where is the defibrillator?

“Although analyzing an event as important as this from a distance is very, very difficult, what happens when you are faced with the sudden death of a young athlete is a lot of questions,” explained Fitz Maurice. “I wonder if the South American Football Confederation has cardio safety regulations. Them FIFAalready in the year Year 2003when the sudden death of the Cameroonian actor Marc-Vivien Foé, implementing its cardioprotection strategy. And, in fact, we saw how – in 2021 – he saved Christian Eriksen in less than four minutes. Here the situation seems to be very different. “

The expert is convinced that “it is very important that the players themselves and the referees also know how to perform CPR and that allows us to gain minutes in the face of these unexpected events.”

He concluded by remembering that “when we go somewhere great, sports or cultural scene, Do we see signs indicating where the defibrillators are? That would have to be as prominent as the signs indicating the fire exit. The thing is that if I lose three or four minutes to find a defibrillator, we have a small chance of 40% of the affected person who gets to the hospital alive. “Cardioproteger It’s not just about putting in a defibrillator. “It’s analyzing the scene, tagging it, learning how to use it and training people in CPR,” he concluded.

Important controls

What medical checks should be done before doing sports? Often, what we ask are clubs, gyms and sports centers to comment on the activity has to get a physical fitness. This control is different from the annual check. Physical fitness often focuses on specific disciplines. It begins with a clinical evaluation performed by a cardiologist or sports specialist series of questions looking for possible risk factors. And then follow up with a cardiovascular examination, blood pressure, etc. Then we electrocardiogram to detect changes, arrhythmias, etc. And he went to ergometry (physical stress testing), seeking to understand the mind’s response to stress. In some cases (high-level athletes, patients with some pathology) it is complemented with a heart Doppler that allows the blood flow and the condition of the blood vessels to be examined. The result is valid for one year, after which it must be repeated. Many social services and subscriptions have you completely covered.

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