Sueños de Teatro Incandescente will not be “another work of feminist inspiration”

by time news

On March 5th it will premiere at the TNT Theater, dreamsby the hand of Incandescent Theater. Piece that will form part of the special programming of a new edition of the cycle Not one lesswhich will be taking place in this Sevillian theater throughout these days.

We have spent a few years in which numerous activities around gender issues are programmed every March, and more specifically, to the reality that the women of this world have lived and live. Which comes, among other things, from the hard work of many groups to make talking about it visible and put on the public agenda. The resistance has been noted from many fronts, including those who in one way or another have made it clear that we have already made a lot of progress in the recognition of rights in the law, and that “there is no need for so much insistence.”

As regards the exploration of new strategies, I would not take away from them part of the reason. But this should not come before the detriment of failing to notice that much remains to be done. Of course, countless works that address these themes have been represented, so what makes this new creation special by those who make up this young Andalusian company? Well, their ways of working, their desire to learn by throwing themselves onto a stage to share their work… are several of the things that enrich everything that these professionals carry out. That is to say: Such is the potential that those of Teatro Incandescente have, that their mere existence is endowed with great meaning..

Therefore, dreams directs it Candela Quirogaas assistant director figure Nina Martínezand its cast is composed of: Maria Sanchez, Lucia Povedano and Nina Martinez. Also to mention, the special participation of Angela Gonzalez Santamaria. Those of us who know this company made up of one of the last Creation Laboratories of the TNT Center, know that they are playing with the fact that a person is in charge of directing a specific project and in another he is not directly involved, and in another act. The key is to understand that one of its values ​​resides in its ability to organize itself to undertake several projects at the same time, making it compatible that if one of its members has something to develop, sooner or later the means are put in place for him to do so. materialize it on stage.

As on other occasions, I write down in my diary the day of their next performance in Seville, to be able to keep track of them in this exciting and complex adventure in which they are involved. Without more to add, I leave you with a preview of dreams:

Maria, the peasant girl, is getting married in a month.

His innocence protects him from the reality he is about to experience.

But in his dreams, his intuition speaks to him.

In his dreams, visions of women from the past, future and present appear to him: some sweet and

gentle, others cruel but wise.

Maria is about to witness how her world is destroyed to be rebuilt again.

Dreams is not only about the archetypes of women and their cyclical nature, but also about the discovery of the wild female psyche and the changes it undergoes throughout its life journey. It is a call to the modern woman, to her need to reconnect with her sacred origins. It is also the recognition and honor of those women who were forgotten, women whose voices were drowned out by a system that silenced them.

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