Suez, Evergiven ship free, resumes traffic in the channel

by time news

The story of the Ever Given container ship that had been blocking traffic in the Suez Canal for almost a week came to a turning point. The ship was cleared and navigation in the Canal resumed after days of rest.

The news was given by the Authority that controls the Canal, and its president Osama Rabie has proclaimed the resumption of traffic, although it is still not clear when the situation will be able to return to normal since at least 367 ships are blocked in the Canal through which 10% of the goods transported around the world by sea pass every day.

The rescue team it is now pulling Ever Given towards the Great Bitter Lake, where it will be subjected to a technical inspection. To simplify the operations was the high tide, the tugs managed to free the bow bulb that was still in the sand. The Ever Given, 400 meters long and 224 thousand tons in weight, is one of the largest container ships in the world: last March 23 it hit a rocky embankment of the Canal and was stranded. Since then, operations had been going on for six days to try to free it. Between Sunday night and Monday dawn the container ship had been partially cleared, in the afternoon then the confirmation of the end of the operations.

A success of which the Egyptian authorities now claim paternity: both the Egyptian president al-Sisi and the president of the Suez Canal Authority say that 98% of the efforts put in place to unblock the situation were made by the Egyptians, who participated in the operations with 15 units including 12 tugs .

March 29, 2021 (change March 29, 2021 | 16:47)

© Time.News

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