Suffering from a morning mood? You can eat these 5 things

by time news

Getting out of bed on the wrong foot, it happens to all of us. You suffer from a very bad morning mood, so there is a good chance that you lean towards comfort food, or unhealthy food. However, in the long run, this comfort food has an even more negative effect on your mood and stress level. We tell you 5 healthy things you can eat against a morning mood.

5 healthy foods

Comfort food so you should avoid it. Even if the temptation is great. Research shows that this unhealthy food (comfort food) only helps us in the short term. In the long run, this food actually has a negative effect on our mood. The chance that you will wake up with a morning mood is becoming more and more likely. Of course we don’t want you to get even more grumpy ;). But which things can you eat better?

1. Bananas

Bananas make you happy! Bananas contain a lot of vitamin B6. In addition, a large banana contains 16 grams of sugar and 3.5 grams of fiber. Because it contains fiber, the sugar is slowly released into your bloodstream. This ensures good blood sugar levels and a better mood! If you have a low blood sugar level, this can lead to mood swings. So eat enough bananas!

2. Dark chocolate

Yes, do eat chocolate. But pure. Dark chocolate contains phenylethylamine (pronounce that correctly). This is a chemical in the brain that is released during moments of happiness. When you eat chocolate for example! It also contains a substance called anandamide. This has the same effect as marijuana, because dark chocolate makes you feel extra relaxed.

3. Have

YesOats also help with your mood. It helps to keep your energy level stable. If you eat oats for breakfast, you immediately get a better mood. So nice for your roommates ;). You can eat oats in the form of muesli, granola or natural oatmeal.

4. Fermented Foods

Sounds more complicated than it is. Fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut can boost your mood. During the fermentation process, bacteria are formed in foods that convert sugar into alcohol and acids. Probiotics are also produced during this process. These are live microorganisms that support the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut.

Also read:
Snoozing your alarm in the morning turns out to be bad for your brain

5. Know wise

You’re probably not averse to a little fish every now and then. By eating fatty fish such as salmon and albacore tuna, you get omega-3 fatty acids. These are fats that your body cannot produce on its own. If you are deficient in these substances, you may even be dealing with a mild form of depression! Wow, that’s eating a lot of fish.

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