Summary prosecutors: present a declaration of repudiation in the Senate

by time news

2023-07-04 00:03:39

The senator Luis Juez, from Juntos por el Cambio, presented a draft declaration of repudiation for the investigation initiated against the Rosario prosecutorsafter they gave a note to magazine NEWS, in a cover published in March under the title of Prosecutors in Danger.

“The Senate of the Nation declares its strongest repudiation of the decision of the Rosario Regional Prosecutor’s Office of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, to initiate summaries in against prosecutors Pablo Socca and Valeria Haurigot, in charge of carrying out investigations related to drug trafficking, for the fact of having made statements to the Press”, says the document that was entered into the Chamber on Monday afternoon.

judicial officers They were on the verge of a sanction after they told how they live, while accusing the drug gangs. Although in the article they do not opine on any particular cause, nor do they hinder any ongoing investigation, the regional prosecutor of Rosario María Eugenia Iribarren processed a summary and forwarded it to the General Management Audit Office of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPA).

They are accused of having issued public opinion despite the request of the press department, managed by Sebastián Carranza, who had requested not to do so. And after minor faults, like not “use terms according to the function”, for having said a bad word. A trifle next to the work they do to investigate the most dangerous gangs in the country.

“It seems more important impose sanctions on them for talking about reality, that the fact that civil society finds out about things that concern them”, says the project sent on Monday to the Senate by a Judge. And complet: “Prosecutors only recounted the “B” side of their lives in a country and in cities that cannot find a way back from the advance of drug trafficking and that they seem more inclined to live with this tragedy than to eradicate it”.

After the publication of NEWS about the completion of the disciplinary file, many politicians and court officials sympathized with Haurigot and Socca. The president of the Association of Prosecutors of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Nation, Ricardo Toranzos, expressed his support privately, first, and then publicly. “For us, the motivation for which this summary was initiated is very worrying. We want to contain and accompany the prosecutors. His statements do not compromise the institution, they were in the public interest, ”he said in an interview with LT10, Radio Universidad del Litoral.

He Forum of Journalists also made a statement in this regard: “We view with concern the conduct of a disciplinary proceeding against Rosario prosecutors after they spoke with a journalist from Noticias magazine,” they published.

Haurigot and Socca received public and private support from some of the most renowned federal prosecutors, such as Sandra Arroyo Salgado and Diego Luciani, among others. But in addition, provincial and national politicians demonstrated through Twitter against the summary that they carried out on him.

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