Summer exodus 2022, do’s and don’ts: tips for healthy travel

by time news

Travel and holidays in safety. The great summer exodus 2022 from the red stamp on Italian roads, and beyond, which this year promises to be particularly ‘crowded’, puts a strain on health, because getting in motion to reach far or near destinations can cause disturbances or illness: from motion sickness or ‘movement disorder’, to problems caused by temperature changes from air conditioning or incorrect power supply. In order not to ruin your summer holidays, here are the health tips – suggested by experts – against ‘travel ailments’.

First of all the advice to reduce the ‘car sickness’ or motion sickness, which is caused by the constant and energetic stress of the inner ear structures used for balance. For those who suffer from it or are at risk, it is important to avoid eating or if possible take small quantities of easily digestible food; avoid drinking soft drinks; avoid smoking and hot environments. If possible, have access to fresh air (create ventilation by opening the car windows) and, for passengers, it is a must to avoid reading magazines or books and using tablets, smartphones, etc.

Important then for those who drive “cure rest“: to face a long journey and in environmental conditions at the limit of the extreme it is important to have quick reflexes and a clear mind. Therefore, it is important to rest well before driving: due to the high temperatures, tiredness and fatigue are among the first causes of road accidents. For this reason it is essential to respect the hours of sleep you need, avoid taking drugs that could induce drowsiness. Tiredness leads to a reduction in concentration and reduces reflexes, so remember to take breaks at least every 2 or 3 hours of driving So the recommendation is also not to leave at times that upset the biological clock.

Second advice is to “allow yourself more stops“to stretch your legs, helping blood circulation and relieving muscle and nervous tension. Nutrition is also important. So” do not exceed with meals: as always, the right choice is in the middle, so it is advisable not to leave or fast nor on a full stomach, but to opt for light meals, frequent and rich in fruits and vegetables. And again: also “the dress makes the exodus”, so the advice is to wear natural and comfortable fabrics that help the body to breathe.

Watch out for sudden changes in temperature“: excessively cold air conditioning produces a dry environment and accelerates dehydration. The rule is that the temperature range between the interior and exterior of the car must never exceed 10 degrees, in order not to risk a drastic transition from cold to hot. and vice versa it causes laryngitis, pharyngitis and bronchitis. In addition, excessive use of the air conditioner can lead to dehydration due to dry air and can cause heat stroke, especially compared to the external climate. It is therefore good to choose the dehumidifier option at 50 % and remember to turn off the air conditioner towards the end of the journey in order to reduce the impact with the outside when you get out of the car.

The golden rule, especially during a trip with excessive temperatures is always that of “drink water constantly“for the entire duration of the trip regardless of the stimulus of thirst. How much water to drink? The advice, if the travel conditions are optimal and the air conditioning is adjusted to an adequate level, every two hours about 200 cc of water, a glass. If the conditions are more intense, this quantity is recommended even every hour. And again: it is good to “replenish the mineral salts” that are lost by sweating. Rewarding them helps to avoid muscle cramps due to potassium deficiency.

“Beware of stimulants”: caffeine and theine are ‘false friends’, and their abuse can lead to the opposite effect to the desired one. “No alcohol”: alcoholic substances while driving, in addition to being prohibited by law, can accelerate dehydration and lower the threshold of attention.

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