Summer exodus 2023, red dot weekend: traffic forecasts and advice

by time news

2023-07-28 14:36:28

First weekend of summer exodus with a red dot on the roads. In anticipation of the increase in traffic, Anas has removed over 700 construction sites until 6 September, 65% of those currently active (over 1,100) to offer a more comfortable and safe journey to all users for short-term trips, medium and long haul.

The temperatures will fortunately be lower than last week. However, the classic risks of disturbances and illnesses associated with travel remain: from car sickness to problems associated with sudden changes in temperature from air conditioning, up to food. To avoid ruining your holidays, small attentions can make the difference, as the Fimmg family doctors remind Salute.


Constantly increasing traffic is expected along the Anas network. Viabilità Italia provides for a red dot, starting from today’s afternoon, with a situation that will continue on Saturday 29 July and Sunday 30 July, with increasing movements towards the main routes. The sections involved are, in a southerly direction, the main routes towards holiday resorts, in particular along the Adriatic, Tyrrhenian and Ionian ridges and at the border crossings towards France, Slovenia and Croatia, and out of urban centres. A substantial flow of traffic is also expected near urban centres, especially from late Sunday afternoon, coinciding with weekend returns. Today from 16.00 to 22.00, tomorrow Saturday 29 July from 8 to 16 and Sunday 30 July from 7.00 to 22.00 there is a ban on the transit of heavy vehicles.

As Anas points out, traffic could particularly concern the main tourist itineraries: the A2 “Autostrada del Mediterraneo” which crosses Campania, Basilicata and Calabria; the state roads 106 Jonica and 18 Tirrena Inferiore in Calabria; the A19 Palermo-Catania and A29 Palermo-Mazara del Vallo motorways in Sicily; the 131 Carlo Felice state road in Sardinia; the 148 Pontina nel Lazio state road, a particularly busy artery which, together with the SS7 “Appia” ensures connections between Rome and the tourist resorts of lower Lazio; the E45 itinerary (SS675 and SS3 bis) which involves Umbria, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna and connects the north-east with central Italy; the SS1 Aurelia (Lazio, Tuscany and Liguria), SS16 Adriatica (Puglia, Molise, Abruzzo, Emilia-Romagna and Veneto) routes.

Finally, in the north, the RA13 and RA14 motorway junctions in Friuli-Venezia Giulia towards the border crossings, the SS36 of Lake Como and Spluga in Lombardy, the SS45 of Val Trebbia in Liguria, the SS26 of Valle D’Aosta and the SS309 Romea between Emilia-Romagna and Veneto and the SS 51 of Alemagna in Veneto. For the situation of the immovable construction sites, Anas invites travelers to consult the website in the Info section/Intervention plans section before leaving (link

The presence on the road of Anas is over 2200 resources in shifts, made up of technical and operating personnel, in addition to the personnel of the territorial operations rooms and of the national situation room who ensure traffic monitoring in real time 24 hours a day.


Rule number one is water. It must never be missing when you travel: “Carrying a water bottle must become a habit”, recommends Silvestro Scotti, national secretary of Fimmg. Drinking is essential, beyond the stimulus of thirst. The advice, if the travel conditions are optimal, is to drink a glass of water every two hours. Better every hour if the heat is excessive or there is a lot of humidity. “Mineral salt supplements that compensate for the loss of these substances through perspiration are also useful,” adds Scotti. Watch out instead for caffeine and theine which are ‘false friends’ and can cause problems if drinks containing it are abused. And nothing to alcohol while travelling, which can accelerate dehydration and lower the threshold of attention: for those who drive, its use is prohibited by law.

As for motion sickness, motion sickness, for those who suffer from or are at risk, as well as the possibility of using the drugs available in different formulations (“not for those who drive, because they can promote drowsiness”, recalls Scotti), it is important to avoid eating or if possible to take small quantities of easily digestible food; avoid drinking soft drinks; avoid smoke and heat. Fresh air is useful, for example by opening the car windows to ventilate. For passengers, it is absolutely not recommended to read or use tablets and smartphones.

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