Summer, from sleep disturbances to irritability, the pediatrician: “It’s the re-entry syndrome of the little ones”

by time news

Difficulty sleeping at night, headache, mood swings. These are some spies of what pediatricians have framed as the ‘re-entry syndrome‘. It can affect the young in the first 5 days after the end of the holidays and the return home. “It occurs mainly in children under 10 and is determined by the need to adapt to the regaining of the lifestyle and the usual habits interrupted, in a pleasant way, by the holiday period”, he reports to Health Italo Farnetani, full professor of Pediatrics at the Ludes-United Campus of Malta.

This adaptation in some children causes a stress responsible for some clinical symptoms, which must be known to avoid thinking that they are caused by diseases. But at the same time it is necessary to implement a strategy of prevention and aid to adaptation “, accompany the children of the family in returning to the usual daily routine.” In the first place, sleep disturbances may occur – lists Farnetani – There may be difficulty falling asleep, sometimes the baby stays awake in bed and this is a risky situation because it could facilitate insomnia. Sometimes he may wake up at night, or wake up particularly early in the morning.

Abdominal pains can also be determined: generally they are reported near the navel and are short-lived, a few minutes. The child may also have a headache, under 6 years of age he may report a feeling of dizziness, he may be more irritable, experience sleepiness during the day. And he may have inappetence, that is, eat less. “In the presence of these symptoms, he warns Farnetani“it is always good, in any case, to notify the pediatrician. But he will be told the day he returned from vacation. What is important is prevention, that is, facilitating adaptation to the ‘new’ lifestyle”.

How? First of all, observes the expert, “during the holidays the child spends more time in the open air, therefore – even if it would always be good to do so – in the first days after returning, let’s keep him more away from home, for example by taking him to parks, swimming pools, Going for walks. A relaxing walk before going to sleep in the evening is useful. For those who can, the classic evening in a pizzeria these days is certainly to be recommended, precisely to try to facilitate the transition from the holiday period to the daily routine. foods, especially in these days, it is better to give preference to those you like best “. Chapter tasks of the holidays: “If you have to complete them or do some work in preparation for school – warns the expert – we wait until the first 5 most critical days after returning home have passed”.

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