Summer holidays: how to benefit from the holiday bonus?

by time news

2023-07-04 04:12:23

Getting paid for part of your vacation by your employer is possible. But this bonus is not included in the Labor Code, it is the employer who decides whether his employees can benefit from it or not.

More precisely, the holiday bonus can be included in a company agreement or a collective agreement, on the employment contract, thanks to a unilateral decision of the employer or thanks to a business usespecifies the legal information site

As for its amount, it is generally fixed and paid in one go. Generally, it is paid during paid summer holidays and is available directly on the payslip for the month of payment. This bonus, unknown to the general public, constitutes a salary supplement that is part of social security contributions and is therefore subject to income tax.

If the holiday bonus is not mentioned by the employer on one of the documents mentioned above, the latter has no legal obligation to pay it to you. On the other hand, if it is provided for by your collective agreement, a company agreement or your employment contract, your employer is obliged to pay it to you according to the calculation and payment methods provided for therein.

Many ways to calculate it

Among the collective agreements concerned by the payment of this bonus, we find that of the technical design offices, that of the metallurgical, mechanical and related industries of Aisne, that of public works, that of dry pasta and unprepared couscous as well as the collective agreement for the tile and brick industry, indicates Juritravail.

The amount of this bonus varies according to the conditions set out by the boss or by the collective agreement. For example, for companies that are part of the collective agreement for the metallurgical, mechanical and related industries of Aisne, it has been set at 545 euros since 2017. In the construction industry, it corresponds to 30% of the paid leave allowance due for 24 working days.

The vacation bonus can also be calculated according to your monthly salary or according to the number of dependent children. Certain collective agreements or establishment agreements may grant the holiday bonus under certain conditions, in particular seniority or dates for taking leave. Do not hesitate to check whether this bonus is granted by your employer, and under what conditions.

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