Sunday 28th July we celebrate grandparents: celebrations in Dobbiaco and Lasa – News

by times news cr

2024-07-26 10:18:11

BOLZANO. Sunday, July 28, 2024 is the fourth World Day of Grandparents and Elderly, established by Pope Francis on the fourth Sunday of July. The event is also marked with various initiatives in the diocese of Bolzano-Bressanone.

The theme chosen this year is “Do not abandon me in old age”a theme that highlights how loneliness is unfortunately the bitter companion of the lives of many elderly people. The celebration of this Day in the parishes, Sunday 28 July 2024, aims to encourage the commitment of every ecclesial community to build bonds between generations and to combat loneliness.

In the diocese of Bolzano-Bressanone the Pastoral Office provides the Pope’s message and a pastoral kit (in Italian and various languages), intercessions for celebrations in parishes and two catecheses of the Pope useful for preparing the homily in Italian. Dedicated celebrations will take place in two churches of the Diocese: Saturday 27th July at 11am in the church of Santa Maria di Dobbiaco e Sunday 28th at 10am in the parish church of Gone.

Josef Torgglercontact person for pastoral care for the elderly, emphasizes the special relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren: “Among the many people who are alongside the elderly today and do a lot for them, there are precisely the grandchildren. The togetherness of grandparents and grandchildren is precious for the grandparents, but also for the young people”. Furthermore, the parish priests invite you to accompany, where possible, the grandparents and the elderly to the parish on Sunday 28 July to celebrate the special anniversary.

2024-07-26 10:18:11

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