Super Blue Moon May Be God Calling “To Repentance”

by time news

2023-09-01 14:46:41

Astronomical phenomena arouse the curiosity of many people, including specialists in eschatology, which in theological circles is known as the doctrine of the last things, or prophecies. Not by chance, last Wednesday (30) the phenomenon of the Super Blue Moon caught the attention of some names.

Among them is Getúlio de Alvarenga Cidade, a Hebraist Christian author of the book “A Oliveira Natural: As Raízes Judaicas do Cristianismo”. The expert, who this year has already declared that he believes that the Church is experiencing its “last cycle here on Earth”, commented on this week’s astronomical phenomenon.

“The appearance of this special Moon will last for three days”, he said, explaining that Wednesday was the moment when our natural satellite was closest to Earth, but that it will remain “visible as a supermoon until Friday.”

“Saturn should appear a little below the Moon. Both, Moon and Saturn, will be at the closest point in relation to the Earth in those days”, highlighted the Hebraist. Considered rare, this phenomenon is predicted to happen again only in 2037.

Why Blue Moon?

Those who looked or are still going to look at the Moon during this period will not see the star in blue color. This name was given due to two specific occasions, precisely in 1883 and 1951.

On the first occasion, a volcanic eruption in Krakatoa, Indonesia, and on the second, large forest fires in Canada, released large amounts of ash into the atmosphere, which changed the color of the rays reflected by the satellite on Earth, giving them the hue bluish, as if Lula herself were blue.

Since then, the name Super Blue Moon has been tagged to record the second full moon in August. Even so, it is a rare phenomenon that for Getúlio confirms what the Bible says about celestial bodies.

“The phenomenon will be brighter than usual and this is a confirmation of what is in Genesis 1.14, that God created the stars and stars (luminaries in the firmament of the sky) to separate the day from the night and to serve as a ‘signs’ and for ‘seasons’ for days and for years,” he told the guide me.

“That’s why we need to look at the signs of heaven, not just the signs of the Earth, when we look for signs of the Lord’s return”, he highlighted.

Finally, the Hebraist recalls that this year’s Super Blue Moon occurs two weeks before Rosh Hashanah, when the Autumn Festivities begin on the Jewish calendar, which, according to the expert, “point to the second coming of the Messiah.”

“It’s not a mere coincidence”, says Getúlio. “This sign in the sky seems like a silent echo of the shofar that is blown every morning on Elul as a call to repentance before Rosh HaShanah arrives, the day when God will judge the world.”

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