Super cold, symptoms and how to distinguish it from Covid-19

by time news

Super cold, symptoms and differences with Covid-19: cases of viral gastroenteritis are growing in Italy. Here’s how to fight it

Spring is one of the most awaited seasons by Italians, tired of the cold typical of the winter months. The sun shines again, the temperatures rise and finally you can spend days outdoors without tremors. For some, however, spring is a small nightmare, today aggravated by the presence of Covid-19. In these weeks in addition to the classics spring allergies (CLICK HERE to find out how to relieve symptoms without drugs) the new variant is circulating Omicron 2 but also one intestinal flu that some have renamed “Super cold“which comes from Australia. Also known as viral gastroenteritiswould be caused by Norovirus e Rotavirus.

Super cold, symptoms and differences with Covid-19

The Super cold can be easily confused with the Covid-19 but as explained to the Messenger doctor Claudio MastroianniDirector of Infectious diseases the Umberto I Polyclinic of Rome, although “the symptomatology could be superimposable to the Covidin the vast majority of cases the clinical picture is quite distinct “.” Omicron affects the upper respiratory tract and in some cases causes intestinal disorders, – explains the expert – in intestinal flu, on the other hand, there is fever, diarrhea and vomiting, without respiratory symptoms “.

Super cold, what to take

Symptoms of the Super cold however, they would be very limited in time. Within 48 hours pass spontaneously and for this reason it is advisable to wait before swabbing to verify that it is actually not Covid-19. When it comes to prevention, the same rules we learned during the pandemic apply: cleaning surfaces, hand sanitizing and social distancing. For what concern Super cold and in general diseases affecting the intestine, the cause can also be ingestion of clamsin particular raw or undercooked oysters, and of berries O strawberries fresh or frozen.

For the care of the Super cold it is very importanthydration, especially if children and the elderly are affected. “If you feel like you’re vomiting, you should make them drink in small doses,” advises Mastroianni. It is important to point out that there is no cure for the viral gastroenteritis and that the use of antibiotics it is not only useless but also counterproductive for the health of the organism. The advice is always to seek medical attention as soon as symptoms occur.

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