Super full and perfect eyebrows with 7 homemade treatments that DO work

by time news

if you want some super bushy eyebrows, but you’re tired of pencils and shadows that only fill in momentarily. Then these 7 home treatments that do work are for you, all you have to do is SLIDE the MAIN PHOTO. After a few weeks you will see how grows hair by hair

Beauty is an ambiguous concept; that is to say, it does not represent the same for you as it does for me. Although you will not disagree with me that there are fascinating aesthetic trends, such as having super full and defined eyebrows. But, who has not been a victim of tweezers or a blade?

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What are bushy eyebrows?

This trend seeks beautify eyebrow through highlighting and shaping through a high density of hairs (or short hairs). In essence, bushy eyebrows are distinguished by having a thickness and density naturally greater than the average eyebrow.

Yes, the appearance of thin or sparse eyebrows They’re out of style now (although they’re beautiful, too). What is current are bushy eyebrows, which are usually the result of genetic factors, as well as other causes such as nutrition, age and hormonal changes.

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Does the eyebrow grow back if you shave it badly?

Las eyebrows They not only highlight our look, they take care of it! By being located two centimeters above the eye, their objective is to complement the eyelashes in protecting the eye against external agents such as sweat, dust, solar radiation, among much more.

They fall off naturally, because the Hair follicles are “living” structures that go through phases: growing, maturing, and dying. In it eyebrow case this process lasts about a month. In the case of waxing, this facial hair grows back, although if the follicle has received repetitive trauma, it can disappear and the hair will not grow back, describes the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.

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What type of eyebrows are the most attractive?

although some thick and defined brows are beautiful, the eyebrow must respond to a detail: it has to generate harmony in the person’s face.

That being said, there are some features that have been commonly associated with attractive eyebrows:

1- Symmetry. The eyebrows have to be proportional to the shape of the face.

2-Moderate thickness. The eyebrows too thin or too thick may not be considered attractive, find the one that suits you the most since it is related to a healthy and youthful appearance.

3-Adequate form. Eyebrows that properly frame the eyes and complement the shape of the face.
4- Adequate length and density. Not too short or too long.

Even if you don’t get discouraged, CLICK on the MAIN PHOTO and discover 7 home treatments that DO work.

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