Superbonus 110% and extension to 2023, Di Maio: “There will be”

by time news

The Council of Ministers has guaranteed that there will be an extension of the superbonus to 2023, “a fundamental theme” for the M5S. Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said this in the aftermath of the CDM that fired the PNRR. “It is right that the M5S makes itself heard when there are our battles and our objectives to be achieved – said Di Maio in a video on Facebook – and I am happy that Conte and Fraccaro have made it clear that for us the extension to 2023 was a fundamental theme “.

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Last night, then, “Minister Franco and the rest of the CDM have decided, resolved and guaranteed that in the next budget law or in the first useful provision there will be an extension to 2023 of the super bonus – underlined Di Maio – and this is very important. because it means continuing along the path of a measure, an idea that Minister Fraccaro had a year and a half ago, which creates jobs while respecting the environment “.

The over 200 billion of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan approved overnight by the Council of Ministers “will help us overcome this serious economic crisis: we are not talking about small change, we are talking about an unprecedented amount of investments”, Di Maio said again. , underlining that the NRP contains “fresh resources made with the common European debt, which we put into sectors, digitization and the environment above all: these are two fundamental issues for creating new jobs”. According to Di Maio, “these investments will also help the categories”, such as those of restaurateurs or the tourism sector, “which have been most affected by the pandemic and will create a new economic climate in Italy, which will allow us to give new opportunities to entrepreneurs and workers. “.

“I want to thank everyone, the Prime Minister, all the political forces who worked on the PNRR and all the ministers – underlined Di Maio – The ministers of this government who brought home this result with great tenacity, stubbornness and consistency and also those of the previous government. It was a job that allowed us to pass the baton after an unjustified political crisis that put the country in serious difficulty and risked making us lose this money “.

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