Superbonus 110%, extension 2023: news, draft decree

by time news

Extension of the 110% Superbonus until 31 December 2023. Here is the draft of the decree which, according to the latest news, determines the extension of the concession. In relation to the 110% Superbonus, “in order to concretely promote the implementation of energy redevelopment interventions”, “it is proposed, first of all, to extend the subsidy regime, from 30 June 2022, to 31 December 2023”, reads in the draft of the ‘Cingolani decree’, strongly supported by the Minister of Ecological Transition in terms of simplifications.

According to the text “it is proposed to extend the scope of application of the provisions contained in paragraphs 1 to 8 also to interventions carried out on properties with cadastral class D / 2 ‘Hotels and pensions'”.

In order to avoid that access to the Superbonus is prevented by “bureaucratic issues”, the Ministry of Ecological Transition proposes a series of simplifications to the law. Among these, “add a new paragraph (13-quater) to art. 119, aimed at regulating a procedure for the admission to the facilitation of interventions on real estate in relation to which there have remained unhesitated building amnesty applications (please note that the building amnesty is necessary for the asseveration of the “legitimate status” of the property and, therefore, for access to the Superbonus) “.

“Finally, in consideration of the fact that, in our country, many homes do not have fixed heating systems, we intend to propose, for the purposes of admission to the subsidy, the following definition of a heating system: ‘By heating system we mean any appliance , even if not fixed, aimed at winter air conditioning of the rooms’ “.

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