Supermercados Dia closes stores and maintains operations only…

by time news

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March 15, 2024 – 10h38

(Credit: Disclosure)

The supermarket chain Dia announced on Thursday night, the 14th, that it will close stores in Brazil, with the exception of those in the state of São Paulo.

According to the Spanish group that owns the brand, the adjustment plan was necessary after the company accumulated several negative results.


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Under this plan, of the 587 stores that Grupo Dia has in Brazil, 343 will be closed, in addition to three warehouses that also belong to the group.

In total, 244 stores will continue to operate, all in the state of São Paulo.

“This measure will allow us to direct resources to the most profitable markets with the greatest growth potential for Grupo Dia, such as Spain and Argentina, where the company has currently achieved a leading position in the market with a strategy focused on local food distribution”, he says. the company, in an official statement.

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