Suppliers of the Valencian PSOE campaigns confess to the Civil Guard that the party asked to falsify invoices

by time news


A witness affirms that “in the concept the allusion to the work carried out for the electoral campaign of Carmen Alborch should be changed to audiovisual services for the production of an industrial video”

Carmen Alborch and Joan Ignasi Pla, during the 2007 campaign.EFE
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The former manager of the Valencian PSOE and today an administrator in the party, Francisco Martinezis not the only one who in his statement before the Civil Guard has pulled the blanket and has confessed to the alleged irregular financing that is being investigated in one of the pieces of the Azud caseand that has put the former treasurer in the shooting José Mara Catalua.

Among the twenty witnesses questioned is also the supplier of one of the electoral campaigns whose fees ended up being paid by various companies. He has acknowledged that it was at the party headquarters itself where he was asked to falsify the invoices and was told how to do it.

The invoice had to be addressed to the merchant Giant Buildingsand Works instead of the PSOE, declared M. Real. Gigante is one of the firms linked to the alleged ringleader of the plot, the builder Jaime Februaryfor being one of those used to pay bribes and bills for the electoral campaigns of the Socialists in 2007 and 2008, according to what the researchers have proven.

In his statement before the Civil Guard, the person in charge of the audiovisual pieces of the carmen alborch to the Mayor of Valencia in 2007 assured that, once the work is finished, the firm Context Fashion and Communication for which he worked told him that he had to issue an invoice in the name of the PSOE.

This witness then appeared together with the person in charge of the company’s administration at the former headquarters of the party in the Blanqueras street Valencia to present the invoice. There they met together with a PSOE official who was handed the invoice and it was this person who explained that he had to make changes to it.

These changes were both in the client and in the concept, added the witness. And if the invoice had to be addressed to Gigante, the allusion to the work carried out for the electoral campaign of Carmen Alborch should be changed in the concept to audiovisual services for the production of an industrial video. In addition, he clarified that at that time it did not seem strange to him because he was not aware of the link that could exist between Gigante Edificaciones y Obras with the PSOE, and that what he wanted was to collect the work to fulfill his financial obligations with his suppliers, according to includes the statement included in the summary of this piece of the Azud caseto which you have had access THE WORLD. Although at that moment he was not able to say who the socialist official with whom he met was, the agents showed him a photograph of the then manager, Francisco Martinez.

Immediately afterwards, the supplier recognized without any doubt the still employee of the Valencian PSOE as the person with whom he met in Blanqueras on behalf of the party and who indicated the changes to be made to the invoice. For his part, the former manager Martínez attributed to Catalonia the responsibility of the illegal financing, since he knew that these works were not going to be paid for by the party but by any other company.

supplier tax

another witness, JV Plaza, who participated in the elaboration of the campaign of the now deceased Alborch with Contexto Moda y Comunicación, declared that, in reality, the party provided them with instructions to work with certain companies. In other words, from the PSOE headquarters they contacted her to suggest that she work with certain companies related to the party, such as the printing press. In turn, he affirmed that the same thing happened with the products of merchandising: t-shirts and caps. The supplier was also imposed by the socialist party, he summarized.

Despite the fact that three years before he had formally disassociated himself from the position of treasurer, the UCO links Catalua itself to Gigante’s payments to the suppliers that supplied the merchandising of the Alborch campaign. For example, one of the investigated invoices is the one issued by Cronosport a Gigante, which alludes to 80,000 badges, 125,000 white balloons, another 125,000 red and 5,500 key rings.

On the other hand, the one who was responsible for the Socialist Youth in 2008 and today mayor of Gilet, Salvador Coast, also testified as a witness that that year the party was led by a manager. It was the year of the general elections in which he ran for Valencia Maria Teresa Fernndez de la Vegawhose campaign spending is also under suspicion.

According to Costa, at that time those who were in charge of processing all the invoices in the party were the manager himself and the Secretary of Organization, Alfred Boix, current autonomous secretary of Promocin Institutional in the Government of Ximo Puig. Within the party, the manager of the PSPV-PSOE or the organizational secretary, Alfred Boix, will be responsible for receiving, processing and paying the investigators.

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