Support free toilets calling from the Secretary of the Hue City Party Committee

by time news

Support free cleaning points for visitors

On the morning of March 19, Hue city coordinated with the Department of Tourism and the Tourism Association of Thua Thien Hue province to organize the launching ceremony of the Program “Join hands to build a Hue tourism environment” “Civilized – Friendly – Safe – Rich”. identity”.

One of the activities of the above program is to restart the model “Free cleaning point” for visitors on the city center routes. With the purpose of calling for the cooperation of departments, agencies, agencies of the province, city and people to join hands to build Hue tourism environment.

Secretary of Hue City Party Committee Phan Thien Dinh speaks at the launching ceremony

At the launch ceremony, Secretary of Hue City Party Committee Phan Thien Dinh said, from the end of 2022 until now, the city has been investing in 5 new toilets. At the same time, closely direct the improvement of the quality of existing public toilets.

The city has directed the Municipal Committee for Mass Mobilization to preside over and coordinate with the city’s departments and localities to launch the campaign “Supporting free restrooms for tourists”.

After a month of pilot implementation, so far, 138 points have been mobilized on 56 routes of 13 central wards with many tourism activities. The city has also mobilized sponsors for signs indicating free sanitation points from the source of socialization, printing and transferring to localities to install them simultaneously, officially giving 138 free sanitation points to visitors. put into operation from 18-19/3/2023.

In the coming time, the city will coordinate with the Department of Tourism, the Tourism Association, the Provincial Business Association, and the Young Entrepreneurs Association to widely deploy the campaign among businesses, business households and people in the area. table. The expectation is that 300-500 free restrooms for visitors will be put into operation before the opening of the 2023 Traditional Craft Festival on April 28, 2023,” said Mr. Phan Thien Dinh.

Advocating for “Free Sanitation Points” is meaningful not only in joining hands to create more favorable living conditions for tourists, but also helping visitors feel the hospitality of the city’s residents. Hue city but also has an important meaning in raising the awareness of people and businesses in caring and friendly behavior with tourists; contribute towards building Hue into a tourist city “Civilization – Friendly – Safe – Rich in identity”.

The call on the social network of the Secretary of the Hue City Party Committee

Previously, Secretary of Hue City Party Committee Phan Thien Dinh went on Facebook to mobilize people and friends to participate.

6 days ago, on his personal page, Mr. Phan Thien Dinh wrote: “Currently, the city has been investing in toilets in two areas of the waist, Nam Xuong, Nam Thang, Truong Tien bridge, Ben Me… City. has and will continue to invest in new and refurbished public toilets. The city calls on people and businesses to join hands to support free toilets for tourists.

According to Mr. Dinh, this not only creates more convenience for tourists, but also aims to create a friendly and hospitable Hue city image.

The family has given birth to a non-negligible number of customers. Thanh Uy Hue - Hinh-2

On March 19, the functional departments of Thua Thien Hue province attached the sign “WC free use for tourist” at business establishments and households participating in supporting the city with free toilets to serve tourists.

Explaining the support of free toilets for tourists but not for all citizens to use, the Secretary of the Hue City Party Committee said that in 2017, we have implemented this, so we have learned a lot of experience. experience. In fact, the places that let tourists use their toilets, no one refuses to let the local people use them, except for some users who lack awareness, responsibility and a level of civility that lacks similarities with the local community. guests that the establishment is serving.

Therefore, if the campaign were to allow everyone to use it, many institutions would refuse to participate. It is necessary to appreciate the cooperation of the participating institutions and respect their legitimate rights and interests.

Talking about the fact that many tourism service units have not enthusiastically participated, Mr. Dinh said that the city is coordinating with the Department of Tourism, Business Association, Provincial Tourism Association, Young Entrepreneurs Association… to deploy synchronously in the system of enterprises in parallel with the implementation by localities, wards and communes. There will be specific results in the near future.

Information on the development trend of public toilets of the city, Mr. Phan Thien Dinh said that the city will invest in public toilets in two directions: Socializing public toilets with a fee and attach public toilets with other service functions, take other services to “feed” public toilets.

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