“Support negotiations and broad agreements based on the president’s outline”

by time news

In recent weeks, Globes has published a long series of columns and interviews with experts in law and economics in an attempt to break down the legal reform into its components and discuss the controversies. To this end, we published a wide variety of opinions from all corners of Israeli society. In this framework, we also published two major polls, which showed that the majority of the public (59%) wants to reach a compromise. We also found that a minority of the Israeli public (19%) supports the legal reform as presented by the government, but an in-depth examination of the articles of the reform showed that the majority of the public does not support the current legal situation either.

“We senior businessmen in the economy support negotiations and broad agreements based on the outline of President Yitzhak Herzog”
for the full list

Avi Hasson, CEO of Start-Up Nation Central. Avner Isr, owner of Isr Architects. Uri Levin, CEO of Discount Bank. Oren Kaniel, CEO and co-founder of AppPlayer. Eyal Shohat, CEO of Sodastream. Eyal Waldman, chairman of Waldo Holdings. Ilan Birnfeld, chairman of the consulting firm Deloitte Israel. Ilan Raviv, CEO of Meitav Investment House. Michael Levy, owner of Nilit and car importer Semlat. Eitan Bar Ze’ev, chairman of Big Shopping Centers. Alfred Akirov, founder and controlling owner of Arov. Assaf Tuchmayer, one of the controlling owners of Israel Canada. Ariel Toval, CEO and owner of the children’s furniture chain “Etzmal’a”. Bernard Raskin, CEO of Remax Israel. Gal Bar Dea, CEO of One Zero. Dov Kotler, CEO of Bank Hapoalim. Dobi Frances, founding partner of the Group 11 fund. Dodo Zevida, CEO of the Mebane Group. David Forer, Chairman of the Neoprem Group. Doron Aviv, chairman of the Aviv Group. Doron Sadan, managing partner at the consulting firm PwC Israel. Doron Sapir, chairman of Michman Credit for Business. Dana Azrieli, chairman of the Azrieli Group. Dani Geva, senior partner at Mitra Law Firm. Daniel Schreiber and Shay Weininger, co-founders and CEOs of Lemonade. Dekal Stolero, CEO and founder of the ShoesOnline website. Harel Wiesel, CEO of Fox Group. Zohar Zisafel, one of the owners of the Red Binat group. Ziv Yacovi, CEO of Akro Group. Chai Galis, CEO of Big Shopping Centers. Hami Peres, co-founder of Pitango Foundation. Hanan Friedman, CEO of Bank Leumi. Tal Alexandrovitch-Segav, CEO of Ben Horin Alexandrovitch. Yevgeny Dibrov and Nadir Yizrael, founders of Aramis. Yigal Demari, owner of YH Demari company. Yuval Shahar, co-director of Team8. Yonatan Idelsheim, CEO of Natural Intelligence. Yaniv Shirazi, CEO of Calmobile. Yifat Reiter, CEO of AIG. Moshe Weidman, Chairman of Bank Mizrahi Tefahot. Moshe Larry, CEO of Mizrahi Tefahot Bank. Moshe Mary, CEO of Global Naut. Nadav Tzafrir, founder and co-director of Team8. Noam Zilberstein, CEO of HP Indigo. Natalie Kramer, CEO of AT&T Israel’s development center and global vice president of the company. Neely Forer Rabinowitz, CEO of Neoprem Consumer Products. Nitzan Israeli, CEO of HOODIES. Nir Horowitz, CEO of Terminal X. Natan Hatz, CEO and controlling owner of Eloni Hatz. Samer Haj Yahya, chairman of Bank Leumi. Samder Barber Tsadik, CEO of International Bank. Omer Levy, chairman of Samlet. Ido Har-Tov, partner and CEO of the Gitam Group. Amir Biram is a partner in the JTLV Foundation. Amri Kohl, founder and CEO of Pyramid Analytics. Ofra Strauss, chairman of the Strauss Group. Zvi Stepak, founder and Roni Zahavi, CEO and co-founder of Haybov. Ron Tomer, Chairman of the Industrialists’ Association. Roy Edelstein, co-director of Team8. Rakfat Rusk Aminach, co-director of Team8. Shai Babad, CEO of the Strauss Group. Sarit Piron, co-director of Team8.

What do the executives in the business sector want?

So what is everyone talking about and is it possible to reach a historic compromise? On Sunday, on the eve of the Knesset voting, President Yitzhak Herzog presented a compromise outline based on five principles and centered on a call for negotiations. A short time later, the chairmen and CEOs of the five major banks announced that they were calling for negotiations based on the outline.

In an attempt to understand how dominant this voice is in the business sector, the Globes system contacted managers from different sectors in the last day. Dozens of them replied that they wish to join the call for negotiations based on the president’s principles for the benefit of the economy and society in Israel, without going into one or another detail in the outline.

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For those who want to understand, learn and listen – even to those who think differently: in the last few weeks we at Globes have tried to produce an in-depth discussion of the controversies, and to bring a variety of opinions and solutions, from the left, the right and those who stand between them, with the aim of finding the common denominator and sketching, through experts, surveys, round tables and interviews, the The possible ranges of agreement. This is also the reason why we are gathering here today prominent publications from the last few weeks, with an emphasis on compromise outlines presented by figures from all over Israeli society.

For those who want to learn more about the relationship between the legal reform and economic indicators, we recommend also following the economic pulse index we launched: an objective snapshot of the markets according to accepted indicators.

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