Supporting Individuals with Dementia: Navigating Uncertainties and Solutions

by time news

2023-09-15 14:33:58
Title: Addressing the Challenges of Dementia: Expert Offers Guidance and Support in Heemstede

Subtitle: Dorothea Touwen, Leading Medical Ethicist, Discusses Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Those with Dementia and their Loved Ones

Heemstede – The complexities and uncertainties of living with dementia affect not only the individuals diagnosed but also their loved ones. In an effort to address the changes and problems associated with dementia, Dorothea Touwen, an associate professor of medical ethics at the Leiden University Medical Center, will be conducting a discussion on the daily ethical dilemmas faced by those with dementia and their families.

Dementia presents numerous challenges that can leave individuals and their families feeling at a loss. Questions regarding personal identity, safety, independence, and decision-making arise, leaving many desperately seeking answers. Touwen aims to shed light on these uncertainties and provide guidance on how to navigate through them.

The discussion, titled “Preparing for the Unknown: Ethical Dilemmas Faced by People Living with Dementia,” will take place on Tuesday, September 26, at 8 p.m. in the Pauwehof located at Achterweg 19, Heemstede. Touwen’s expertise lies in the field of care for people with dementia, end-of-life decisions, and palliative care, making her highly qualified to offer valuable insights and suggestions.

Attendees can expect a comprehensive overview of the daily challenges faced by those with dementia, as well as practical advice on how to address these issues. Touwen will explore topics such as maintaining personal identity, preventing potential dangers, driving and living independently with dementia, and dealing with resistance to essential tasks like showering.

The event is open to anyone interested in learning more about dementia and how to cope with the associated difficulties. Touwen’s expertise and research in the field highlight the pressing need for education and support for those affected by dementia.

For those seeking guidance in navigating the complexities of dementia, attending this discussion can provide valuable insights and practical solutions. Touwen’s expertise will undoubtedly help ease the uncertainties faced by individuals and their families, offering reassurance and support.

The event is organized by PKN Heemstede, and a photo of Dorothea Touwen can be found on their website. Be sure to mark your calendars for this essential discussion aimed at providing much-needed support to those impacted by dementia.

#Dementia #ethics #deal

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