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New Delhi: The Supreme Court has sent a ‘notice’ to the court registrar to explain in the case that the order issued in the Madras High Court and uploaded on the website has been changed and re-uploaded.

Recently, the Madras High Court, hearing a case related to fund transfer, had ordered Smile Micro Finance Limited to deposit Rs 111 crore as fixed deposit and not to withdraw this amount till further orders. In this case, Mohammad Nasir had filed a petition in the Supreme Court regarding this matter.

It was stated in this petition: The above order issued by the Chennai High Court on September 1 was also uploaded on the court’s website. But two days after the issuance of this order, changes and amendments have been made in the already issued order and a new order has been uploaded on the website. In this, some words of the already issued order have been completely deleted. Copies of both the order already issued and uploaded and the order modified and uploaded are attached with this petition. This should be investigated and action taken. It said so.

The petition came up for hearing recently before a bench comprising Justices Ajay Rastogi and PV Nagaratna. Senior lawyer K. Subramanian, appearing for the petitioner, said, ‘I have never seen such an event in my 50 years of legal experience.’

Subsequently, the order issued by the judges: It is stated that the order already issued by the High Court has been changed, the words in it have been deleted and another order has been uploaded on the website. An investigation is required in this regard. Therefore, the Registrar of the High Court should file a report in a sealed text regarding the circumstances under which this happened. A notice is directed to be sent to the Registrar in this regard. Thus the judges ordered.

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