Surgeons reconstruct patient’s breast with novel technique

by time news
  • Since 2006 breast cancer is the first cause of death by malignant tumor in women in Mexico.
  • Worldwide, 2.2 million cases are recorded each year.
  • Thanks to an innovative technique, a team of IMSS surgeons managed to reconstruct the breast of a surviving breast cancer patient.

With an innovative reconstructive technique based on autologous tissues, Surgeons from the Hospital General de Zona (HGZ) No. 2, of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Chiapas reconstructed the left breast of the beneficiary María “N”. The woman had undergone a mastectomy after being diagnosed and treated for breast cancer in 2019.

Description of what happened

Alan Sostenes Vázquez Ramos, a reconstructive plastic surgeon attached to HGZ No. 2, explained that María “N” was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent mastectomy surgery. With this, she had her left breast completely removed, to later receive chemotherapy and radiotherapy, treatments with which she eradicated the disease.

“As a consequence of the mastectomy, she presented asymmetry and a change in the weight of her ribcage, which were very noticeable.”

In addition, the specialist stated that he underwent a flap procedure, also known as reconstruction with autologous tissue from the belly area. A portion of skin and muscle tissue was taken that was grafted in the area of ​​the left breast and with surgical techniques it was given the shape, appearance and weight according to the patient.

He added that autologous tissue grafts are generally the best option for this kind of reconstruction. The reason is because they provide a more natural and they behave more like the original breast tissue compared to artificial implants.

“When they removed my breast, I felt sad and defeated, but I told my husband that if one day I had the opportunity to rebuild myself, I would do it and as I went through the treatment, time passed and I stopped thinking about it. I didn’t think it was going to happen, until the IMSS doctors told me that it could be done, that excited me, especially since I wouldn’t have to travel or go to another hospital other than the one in my city”.

The mother of a family of three children narrated that in the course of six months the IMSS surgeons they placed a tool with which little by little they expanded the skin and muscle that would be removed from the belly area. At the same time, a mesh was placed to prevent the generation of a hernia, to be relocated in the mammary region and to shape her new breast.

“When I came out of the surgery and now that the inflammation has gone down I feel normal, like before. It was so worth it to have this surgery. I thank the IMSS surgeons, the doctors for all the care they gave me. Thanks to them I feel whole again.”

Current landscape of breast cancer

Due to its increase in both incidence and mortality, breast cancer in Mexico is already a public health problem. It is a scenario that is repeated in much of the planet because according to the World Health Organization (WHO) it is the most common type of tumor. Only during 2020, 2.2 million cases were detected and the number is constantly growing.

In Mexico, 29,929 new cases and 7,931 secondary deaths from this type of tumor were reported in the same period. Since 2006 it is the first cause of death by malignant tumor in women. Quality of life may be compromised and this condition could even be incurable, since it continues to be detected in locally advanced or metastatic stages that require further treatment.

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