Surprise and anger. Kicillof inaugurated a bridge that connects two municipalities, but only invited the official mayor

by archyves

The inauguration of a bridge over the Morón stream, which connects the districts of Hurlingham and Tres de Febrero, led to harsh criticism of the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillofwho led the implementation of this link road together with the mayor of Hurlingham, Damian Selci (Unión por la Patria) and five other Peronist communal leaders, but without the presence of the mayor of Tres de Febrero, Diego Valenzuela, who stated that he was not invited, which he considered “a lack of respect.” The fight also included the former Peronist mayor of Hurlingham Juan Zabaletaunder whose management the work inaugurated this Tuesday began.

“It is regrettable that Kicillof inaugurates works without the real protagonists due to a matter of party politics. The work of Combate de Pavón was a project that we thought about with the former mayor Juan Zabaleta (also not invited) and whose first stage was done with María Eugenia Vidal”, reproached Valenzuela on his account on the social network The former mayor of Hurlingham even recorded a video alone from the site of the already inaugurated work.

“This connection between Avenida Márquez and the Camino del Buen Ayre is a work that we thought of from the territory and was financed by the Province. We worked together, but we were not together at the inauguration. A lack of respect for the institutional representation of Tres De Febrero,” Valenzuela noted.

In addition to Mayor Selci (who is part of the ranks of La Cámpora), the inauguration was attended by five other community leaders belonging to Unión por la Patria, such as Lucas Ghi (Hummock), Barefoot Paul (Ituzaingó), Leonardo Boto (Lujan), Facundo Says (Navarro) and Juan Ignacio Ustarroz (Mercedes), in addition to provincial officials Gabriel Katopodis (Minister of Infrastructure and Public Services of Buenos Aires) and Nicolás Kreplak (Minister of Health), the Massista Buenos Aires deputy Ruben Eslaiman and the chancellor of Hurlingham National University, James Perczyk (former Minister of Education of the government of Alberto Fernández).

The work connects the Ruta 4 with the avenue Pavón combatcost $1,427 million and included, as reported by the Buenos Aires government in a statement, “the construction of a new bridge that crosses the stream Hummock, as well as road and hydraulic tasks, lighting LEDsignaling, and the creation of new conduits.”

Kicillof inaugurated the work with messages against the president’s government Javier Miley. “This connection, like so many other works that we are carrying out, was not going to be developed by the market. It is the articulation between the State, workers and the private sector that allows us to advance and continue expanding rights,” he said.

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