Surprise in the sky: the photo of the clouds that rocked Saudi Arabia – real or Photoshop?

by time news

A Saudi citizen who was traveling in the capital area of ​​Riyadh at sunset documented clouds in an unusual structure reminiscent of a boy or girl riding a bird. The photo caused a stir on social media when some surfers claimed it was Photoshop and others said it was one of the most beautiful photos of the year

‘Abd al-Karim’ Abdullah al-Majid told al-Arabiya that he was traveling on the road north of Riyadh on his way to vacation when he photographed the special cloud structure in stills and video. He said he planned to keep the photo as a souvenir, but his friends suggested he upload it to social media because of its beauty.

Within a short time, the unique photo spread among the surfers and many of them called for including it among the best photos of 2022. On the other hand, there were those who claimed that it was a photo that was processed using Photoshop software, but others presented the videos that disprove this.

There were also surfers who tried to provide a more scientific explanation and noted that it is peridolia, a psychological phenomenon in which the brain creates connections between different forms in order to identify familiar things in them.

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