Surprise! Mexico runs out of NOM for medical residences

by time news

2023-06-20 02:00:54

The Emergency NOM NOM-EM-001-SSA3-2022 lost legal validity because a year has passed since its publication.
While PROY-NOM-001-SSA-2023 was never approved.
Based on the above, there is currently no NOM for medical residencies in Mexico.

Legal regulation is very important within Medicine, although it is also one of the most neglected. As a consequence, the rights of health professionals are often violated. In fact, at the moment we are experiencing a crucial moment in our country because the Official Mexican Standard (NOM) for medical residences was invalidated.

But first, what are NOMs?

Before moving forward it is necessary to know a basic concept. The NOMs are technical regulations of obligatory observance issued by the competent agencies. Their purpose is to establish the characteristics that processes or services must meet when they may constitute a risk to the safety of people or harm human health.

The NOM on Prevention and Health Promotion, once approved by the National Advisory Committee for Standardization of Disease Prevention and Control (CCNNPCE), They are issued and published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) and, as it deals with health matters, they enter into force the day after their publication.

The NOM must be reviewed every five years from its entry into force. The CCNNPCE must analyze and, where appropriate, carry out a study of each NOM when its period expires in the course of the immediately preceding year and, as a conclusion of said review and/or study, it may decide to modify, cancel or ratify them.

In the case of residents, the NOM has the objective of regulating their activities within hospitals. It contains in detail the obligations and rights of young people who are in the process of becoming specialists.

For its part, in June 2022 the Emergency NAME NOM-EM-001-SSA3-2022 health education for the organization and operation of medical residences in medical care establishments. The document is valid for one year and was created as a preventive measure while the final version was being drafted.

While in April of this 2023 the PROY-NAME-001-SSA-2023. It is a project that proposed several quite radical changes with respect to the regulation of residents.

Main proposed changes

Based on the document, the shifts must be scheduled in the operational program of the specialty and punctually develop the academic program, including the frequency, schedule and duration. The resident doctors’ shifts must take place twice a week at most and will have intervals of at least three days between each one. If any other modality is required in the on-call scheme, the annual average hours per week may not exceed 80 hours of service, including the working day.

On business days, shifts begin at the time the morning shift ends and end at the time established to start the following morning shift, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the health institution where the medical residence is carried out.

The duration of the guards on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays will be 24 hours, beginning and concluding activities as specified in the applicable provisions of the health institution where the medical residence is carried out. Resident doctors who end their shift on a business day must continue the activities described for the morning shift in the operating program.

Resident doctors must only comply with the shifts provided for in the operating program of the specialty. The personnel of the medical units receiving residents must only apply the shifts established in the operating program, respecting the shift roles and schedules indicated. Those who do a medical residency cannot assign guards to other medical residents.

The problem with the project was that it was never approved. Therefore, it remained as a draft and all its content lacks legal validity.

Mexico is left without a NOM for medical residences

The most serious thing is that at this time there is no NOM for medical residences in our country. The one that was presented as an Emergency has already become obsolete because a year has passed. While the Project to create a new one was never approved.

With this in mind, the residents are in limbo because they currently lack a document indicating their obligations and rights.

Also read:

AMLO minimizes the disappearance of the health NOM: “Those who oppose it are scoundrels”

Health NOM canceled by Hugo López-Gatell: This is the complete list

This is the project for the new NOM for medical residences: Proposes new duration of shifts on weekends

#Surprise #Mexico #runs #NOM #medical #residences

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