Surprised dog on a Stations of the Cross in Sumpango, Sacatepéquez – 2024-03-29 15:38:09

by times news cr

2024-03-29 15:38:09

And dog surprised on a way of the cross in Sumpango, Sacatepéquez, when approaching the man who personified Jesus to console and defend him. A beautiful act of compassion!

In the Easter, a time when the passion of Christ is commemorated, this beautiful scene has moved many and has even spread to other countries. What a chilero!

The act of love of a dog during a station of the cross in Sumpango

In the midst of the solemnity and devotion that characterize the Stations of the Cross, a tender and surprising scene was captured in Sumpango, Sacatepéquez.

A little dog became the unexpected protagonist by showing a gesture of compassion and affection towards the person who played Jesus in the representation of the passion and death of Christ.

The moving image shows the little dog next to the man who personified Jesus, who lies on the ground in the middle of the representation of the whippings that the son of God would have received on his way to Calvary.

In the photo, the faithful companion places his head on one of the man’s arms, while resting one of his paws on his hand, in a gesture of consolation and solidarity that has moved thousands of people on social networks.

The moment the photo was captured

According to Alex Imuchac Velásquez, author of the photograph, the emotional moment took place in front of the municipality of Sumpango.

The most surprising thing, the journalist pointed out, is not only the dog’s gesture, but the deep empathy it seems to show towards the man who represented Jesus. “The most impressive thing is not only the gesture of man’s best friend, the dog, but what they can feel,” said the author of the image.

Description of the photo for people with visual disabilities: the scene of Jesus on the ground that was performed in front of the Sumpango Municipality. (Credit: Muni Sumpango)

Furthermore, it was revealed that the dog was not only limited to comforting the man playing Jesus, but also displayed protective behavior towards him during the performance. According to the story, the faithful friend “jumped” on the men who personified the executioners, who were whipping the acted Jesus, instinctively trying to protect him, without understanding that it was a theatrical scene.

The photograph corresponds to the Stations of the Cross carried out by the Youth Ministry of the San Agustín parish last Holy Tuesday, March 26, 2024.

Trend: puppy surprised on a Via Crucis in Sumpango

It didn’t take long for the image to go viral, even crossing borders and being featured in media outlets in other countries, such as the Jaén Noticias news program in Peru and some local media outlets in Mexico, who have published the photograph on social networks.

The tenderness and symbolism of this encounter between man and his faithful companion has resonated in the hearts of thousands, reminding us of the ability of animals to show love and compassion, even in the most solemn and significant moments.

Description of the photo for people with visual disabilities: one of the “executioners” places his robe on the man who personified Jesus on the Stations of the Cross. (Credit: Muni Sumpango)
Description of the photo for the visually impaired: Jesus carries the cross during the Stations of the Cross. (Credit: Muni Sumpango)

The Stations of the Cross, a representation of the path of Jesus’ passion and death, thus takes on a new meaning with the presence of this animal, who, without words but with gestures full of affection, reminds us of the importance of love and solidarity in our lives. everyday.

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