Surprising Infection in Beachgoers: What You Need to Know

by time news

The Back Story: An infection that surprises beachgoers

Amidst the summer season, beachgoers are being surprised by a disturbing infection that has made its way to the North. While it is not entirely clear if the increase in cases is due to improved diagnosis or warming waters associated with climate change, the appearance of these cases in northern regions has raised concerns.

The illness, known as vibriosis, is caused by infection with several related bacteria. One of the most dangerous bacteria is V. vulnificus, which is relatively rare but can be deadly for vulnerable individuals, with mortality rates as high as 33 percent according to scientific research.

There are two common ways in which the bacterium spreads. When people swim in waters contaminated with V. vulnificus, an open sore or cut can provide a gateway for the organism. It quickly becomes a flesh-eating infection that extends beyond the wound into healthy tissue and may lead to a life-threatening condition called sepsis. Additionally, the bacterium spreads when individuals with compromised immune systems or liver disease consume contaminated raw oysters, which become infected through the seawater they filter for food.

Individuals over the age of 60 and those who take medications to reduce stomach acid are particularly at risk. In Connecticut, where three cases were reported, all the patients were over age 60.

To protect against the infection, individuals vulnerable to vibriosis should wear shoes that protect against cuts and scrapes when in saltwater or brackish water. It is also advised to wear protective gloves when handling raw seafood. If a person has a cut, scrape, or abrasion that might allow the bacterium to enter, it is recommended to avoid swimming in the ocean.

What to Watch: The bacterium seizes on openings

Vibriosis manifests in various symptoms, including diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, fever, chills, ear infections, and wound infections. Ingesting the bacterium through raw oysters leads to quicker onset of intestinal problems, while infections in the ear and wound will become extremely painful, swollen, and blistered over time.

Symptoms typically appear within 12 to 24 hours after exposure, and seeking medical care promptly is essential. Informing doctors about the exposure is crucial, as the infection can rapidly spread if left untreated.

According to Dr. Schaffner, “If the wound starts to look red, puffy, and painful, or has a discharge, or redness spreading beyond the edges of the wound, you need to get medical attention right away.”

Diagnosis requires a laboratory test, and treatment involves antibiotics and supportive care. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove infected tissue and prevent further spread of the infection.

Your Beach Weekend: The vulnerable should exercise caution

For individuals with open wounds, including recent surgical operations, piercings, or tattoos, it is advisable to avoid contact with saltwater, brackish water, marine life, raw or undercooked seafood while walking, swimming, fishing, or boating. Covering open wounds with waterproof bandages can prevent the entry of the bacterium.

In case a wound or cut comes into contact with contaminated water or seafood, thoroughly washing it with soap and water is recommended. Any signs of a skin infection should be reported to a healthcare provider promptly, as vibriosis is an infection that spreads rapidly.

What’s Next: Watch for the infection in unexpected places

As climate change continues to impact ecosystems, unexpected infections, such as vibriosis, may become more prevalent. This infection, typically associated with warmer waters, is now a concern for Americans living in the Northeast.

Individuals with cancer, compromised immune systems, liver disease, or who take stomach acid-lowering medications should avoid consuming raw or undercooked oysters and shellfish. Additionally, pregnant women should steer clear of these foods. When handling raw shellfish, thorough handwashing with soap and water is crucial to reduce the risk of infection.

It is essential to stay informed about the spread and prevalence of vibriosis, as being aware and taking necessary precautions can prevent the potentially life-threatening consequences of this infection.

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