Surprising: Lieberman performed and celebrated at the Haredi wedding

by time news
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Surprising: The Minister of Finance and chairman of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, Avigdor Lieberman, who spoke out against yeshivot students and kollel students, and has incited the ultra-Orthodox public non-stop in recent years, attended a strictly ultra-Orthodox wedding last night (Sunday to Monday).

Kikar Hashabat has learned that the wedding was to the daughter of his good friend, businessman Itzik Kaufman, a follower of Carlin.

Kaufman is a very senior member of the Likud party and at the same time very close to Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman. The finance minister was welcomed at the event, and documentation of his visit to the wedding went viral and created a discourse on social media.

The event in question was also attended by senior Likud members, politicians, public figures and celebrities who were very surprised by Lieberman’s presence.

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