Survey: “Knowing half of the mass” or “Knowing half of the mass”?

by time news

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Fran loves gossip. Since he was little, he has spent his life listening to other people’s conversations in order to gather the necessary information to later share it with his friends. He likes them so much that, although he lives many kilometers from the town where he was born, he continues to find out everything that happens there. However, recently his mother asked him if he knew what had happened with her neighbor, but Fran, after much thought, realized that she did not know half of the mass (or is it called? of the mass the average?).

half of the mass received the 44 % of the votes; of the mass the average got the 23 %, and a 33 % of those consulted opted for both options

Last week we asked our followers through an Instagram survey about the expression that is used with the meaning of ‘ignoring something or not being able to give a reason for it’. Most of the respondents opted for the option half of the mass. However, those who were really right are those who voted for both options. He Dictionary of the Spanish language includes this verbal locution with two variants: not knowing someone of the average mass o half of the mass Although the verb with which it is usually used is sabercases are also documented in the Spanish Corpus of the XXI Century (CORPES XXI) with others such as find out, notice o know. Its use, according to the academic dictionary, is colloquial, so it is recommended to avoid it in careful speech.

Remember that these surveys do not have any scientific purpose, as they only help us to know what terms or expressions are used by the speakers who dare to participate. We appreciate the answers of our followers and we invite you to give your opinion in the next ones that we will launch.

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