Survey: long-distance and coach companies charged for 9-euro ticket | free press

by time news

The train lures with discounts – and the competition on the road has a hard time: The 9-euro ticket has added to the long-distance bus industry, shows a survey of companies.


According to a survey, the three months of the 9-euro ticket were a difficult time for long-distance and coach companies. On average, demand in the industry fell by around two thirds in these three months, as the Federal Association of German Bus Companies (bdo) reported to the German Press Agency. In particular, club and class trips were booked significantly less. And demand from senior citizens has also fallen sharply. Every month, the association polled the mood among the members. Between 150 and 170 long-distance and coach companies took part.

On the other hand, the picture is more differentiated for bus companies that operate for local public transport. In rural areas in particular, demand increased there during the period of the 9-euro ticket – in August alone, more than 40 percent of the companies responded accordingly. The tank discount, in turn, did not lead to any relief for the majority of the bus companies surveyed.

“For a possible follow-up ticket, in addition to the guaranteed financial compensation for reduced income and cost increases, it must also be ensured that distortions of competition at the expense of the environmentally friendly coach are prevented,” said bdo general manager Christiane Leonard. (dpa)

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