Survey news here: High for religious Zionism, low for Netanyahu

by time news

Less than two weeks until Election Day 2022: A news poll published this evening (Tuesday) predicts that the Likud and Benjamin Netanyahu are weakening. Likud drops to 31 seats – the lowest result in the polls in the current election cycle. Yesh Atid, on the other hand, is gaining in mandate from the previous survey, and is on 25 mandates.

Religious Zionism transferred another mandate to it from the Likud and is on 14 mandates – the most it has had in the news polls here. The state camp led by Benny Gantz – continues to weaken, and is on 11 mandates. Shas with 8, Torah Judaism with 7.

Lieberman’s Yisrael Beitenu succeeds in transferring a mandate to it at the expense of Gantz, increasing to 7 mandates. Labor remains with 5 mandates. Meretz records a decrease, due to the rise of Lapid, and stands at only 4 mandates. The two Arab parties, Ra’am and Hadash-Ta’al, each with 4 mandates.

below the blocking percentage

Among the lists that are below the blocking percentage, Balad is slightly stronger with two percent of the votes. Shaked’s Jewish Home with 1.9% of the votes. Yaron’s economic party is losing with 1.8% of the votes.

The image of the blocks

The Likud is indeed weakening, but the Netanyahu bloc still has 60 seats. One mandate goes from Likud to Smotrich and Ben Gvir. The theoretical Lapid government – with 56 mandates, and another 4 mandates for Hadash-Ta’al.

Who is suitable to be prime minister?

But to what extent does the public want which of the two as prime minister? Two weeks until the elections – we asked in a poll: who would you rather see in office, Netanyahu or Lapid? 44% would prefer Netanyahu as prime minister, only 32% answered Lapid – and this is a lower result than the Yesh Atid chairman received in previous polls by Kan News. In other words, despite the increase in the mandates for Lish Atid, the center-left bloc does not fully align itself behind Lapid’s demand continue in his role.

We also made another comparison – between Netanyahu as prime minister, and Gantz in the same position. 45% answered that Netanyahu is more suitable for the position. Only 26% answered that they would vote for Gantz.

The survey was conducted today by the Kanter Institute, October 18, in a sample that included 651 men and women aged 18 and over. The survey was carried out with internet and telephone sampling, including the Arab sector. The number of people who were asked to answer the survey: 3,987, the sampling error – +3.8

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