Survey of political parties on their environmental commitment

by time news

2023-07-11 00:57:38

SEO/BirdLife has sent this Monday a survey to political parties with 27 questions on issues related to the climate emergency and the loss of biodiversity, plus the star measure that each one would contribute in case of governing, as reported by the NGO.

SEO/BirdLife will share the results with the public with the aim of helping the electorate to know these commitments for the next general elections on July 23.

In this way, the organization seeks to know what is the bet of the possible rulers to face the ecological emergency situation of the planet. In addition, it will share the results with the public with the aim of helping the electorate to know these commitments for the next general elections on July 23.

We have very little time left

“We have very little time left, but if we react and put nature at the center of our policies, we will be able to get there. Only by counting and voting for nature can we guarantee a safe, prosperous and resilient present and future”, he highlighted. the executive director of Seob/BirdLife, Asunción Ruiz.

Citizens need to bet on living fields with healthy and quality food; water adjusted to the climatic situation so that no one goes thirsty; forests and seas free of pollution and abusive extractions that allow to balance the quality of the air; friendly cities where you can live with biodiversity; and a strong rural world that boosts the local economy and productive activities in the long term

Likewise, he has indicated that the public “needs” to bet on living fields with healthy and quality food; water adjusted to the climatic situation so that no one goes thirsty; forests and seas free of pollution and abusive extractions that allow to balance the quality of the air; friendly cities where you can live with biodiversity; and a strong rural world that boosts the local economy and productive activities in the long term.

survey questions

According to the NGO, each question in the survey is accompanied by a brief explanation about the importance of implementing the proposed actions. In this sense, the questions translate into 27 commitments to be executed before the end of the legislature in 2027.

The questions are based on the fundamental priorities and lines of action in the short and medium term, resulting in 27 commitments to be executed before the end of the legislature in 2027

Specifically, the questions are based on the priorities and lines of action that SEO/BirdLife considers “fundamental in the short and medium term for the next legislature to respond with guarantees of success to environmental and social needs.”

Some of the questions posed to political parties are: in case of forming a government, Will your party establish a vice presidency for sustainability and a ministry for the environment to ensure the ecological transition?; Does your party commit not to weaken the environmental legal system, based on the principle of non-regression?; Will your party advocate and support an ambitious implementation of the European Green Deal?; o What percentage reduction in greenhouse emissions does your party commit to by 2030?among other.

Have the pulse of political action in environmental and social matters

“This exercise allows us to have the pulse of political action in environmental and social matters. Two sides of the same coin that must be truly valued. People need rulers who guarantee us a present and a future in harmony with the nature. Only in this way can we live in peace, with social justice and environmental security. Knowing what political groups offer in this regard and monitoring it is a challenge that we cannot ignore as a public utility organization. That is also why We ask society to vote for nature, because it is synonymous with voting for people”, Ruiz pointed out.

“We ask society to vote for nature, because it is synonymous with voting for people”

Questions have been sent to PSOE, PP, SUMAR, VOX, ERC, EH-Bildu, Junts per Catalunya, EAJ-PNV, BNG, CC, CUP and Teruel Exists, parties that in the last pre-electoral study of the CIS in July 2023 had an estimate of at least 0-1 seats. The results will be released to the public several days before July 23.

#Survey #political #parties #environmental #commitment

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