Survey of seats: Smutrich and Ben Gvir at their peak – Bennett and Saar at double low

by time news

A poll of seats by the Panels Politics Institute, led by Menachem Lazar, published this morning (Friday) in Maariv, shows that if the elections had taken place today, a new government could not have been formed. It seems that again the national camp bloc is very close to the 61 seats needed, but not yet there.

The Likud party led by Benjamin Netanyahu would have won the next Knesset election for 34 seats, Yesh Atid led by Yair Lapid maintains its power as the second largest party and receives 21 seats in the current poll.

The Religious Zionist Party, led by Bezalel Smutrich, together with Otzma Yehudit and Itamar Ben Gvir, stands in the new poll of 11 seats, while the right, led by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, drops to only a 5-seat low in the next Knesset.

Survey Panels Politics and Maariv Institute:

The Likud – 34
There is a future – 21
Religious Zionism – 11
Shas – 8
Blue and white – 8
Torah Judaism – 7
The work – 6
Right – 5
Yisrael Beiteinu – 5
New Hope – 4
RAM – 4
The common list – 7
Below the blocking percentage: Meretz – 2.5%
Blocks: Opposition – 60, Coalition – 53.

  • 39% of the public – prefer new elections to the Knesset
  • 28% of the public – prefer the continuation of the current government term
  • 19% of the public – prefer the formation of an alternative government in the current Knesset
  • 45% of the public – support the current government bringing the “defendant’s law” to a vote in the Knesset
  • 33% of the public – oppose it.

The survey was attended by 519 members of Panel4All’s respondents’ panel for online research, and was conducted on a representative sample of the adult population in the State of Israel aged 18 and over, Jews and Arabs alike. The survey was conducted on June 8, 2022. The maximum sampling error is 4.3%.

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