Survey: “to climb” or “to climb”?

by time news

2023-04-20 10:08:53

You are not always lucky enough to find a product that you love or that you need regularly on sale. Sometimes, greed overcomes us and we decide to fill the shopping bags as much as possible, until nothing else fits in them. And those unfortunate enough to arrive later find only empty shelves.

This week’s poll has been very tight. We asked our followers Instagram from that verb that means ‘to greedily take everything that is somewhere’. It is said that arramplar or is ramble?

42% of the votes went to arramplarwhile ramble took 41%. 17% of participants voted that both options were correct

He Dictionary of the Spanish language collect ramblewith be, but also records voice arramplar, with pe, as a colloquial word. Thus, both are valid, although one is more typical of informal speech.

However, some of the participants told us that they had never heard that verb in their countries. According to him Corpus of XXI Century Spanish (CORPES XXI), ramble It occurs almost exclusively in Spain, with some isolated cases in other areas, such as Mexico and Central America. colloquial variant arramplarmuch less frequent, is only collected in Spanish texts.

Once again, we want to thank our fans, who are always willing to give us feedback in these surveys. We remember that they do not have any scientific purpose, but they do help us to know a little better what terms the speakers who accompany us on social networks use.

The post Survey: “arrampar” or “arramblar”? first appeared on FundéuRAE.

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