Suspected Israeli Attack Kills Hamas Leader in Beirut and halts Hostage Negotiations

by time news

Title: Suspected Israeli Attack Targets Hamas Gathering in Beirut, Killing Senior Member

A suspected Israeli attack targeted a Hamas gathering in Beirut on Tuesday, killing at least seven members of the Palestinian militant group, including one of its most influential founding members, according to Lebanese and Palestinian security officials.

The powerful blasts rocked a Beirut neighborhood early Tuesday evening, killing Saleh al-Arouri, a founder of the Hamas military wing, deputy head of its political bureau, and an architect of the group’s Oct. 7 attacks in southern Israel that killed 1,200 people, most of them civilians. The explosions sent shattered glass and car parts flying through the streets near one of the city’s famed sweet shops.

The attack has sent shock waves through the Middle East and has brought weekslong hostage negotiations to a halt. It is a significant blow to Hamas and is likely to escalate tensions between the group and Israel.

The killing of such a senior Hamas member will undoubtedly have far-reaching consequences, potentially leading to further violence and retaliation from the militant group.

The Israeli government has not officially confirmed or denied its involvement in the attack. However, the incident is likely to raise international concerns and condemnation, particularly from Palestinian officials and other regional powers.

The targeting of Hamas in Beirut underscores the ongoing conflict and complex dynamics in the Middle East, highlighting the fragility of the region and the potential for further escalation.

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