Suspicion of bird flu in the Wooldrikspark in Enschede: municipality warns with signs | Enschede

by time news

Bird flu is suspected to be prevalent in Wooldrikspark. There have been warning signs around the pond for several days.

Dead waterfowl in the pond in Wooldrikspark may have died of bird flu. The contamination has not yet been confirmed, but the suspicion is strong enough to warn. Since a few days there are signs around the pond with the text ‘Suspicion of bird flu’.

Petting zoo next door

The signs also warn passers-by to stay clear and not to touch dead or sick birds. Dead birds are removed, according to the municipality. If there is indeed bird flu, it will also have consequences for the adjacent children’s farm Erve ‘t Wooldrik. The chickens and other birds that are currently still free to roam around must then be ‘shielded’ from wild birds. What exactly that means is unclear; in any case, shielding is intended to ‘prevent birds from coming into contact with sick wild birds or their droppings’, according to the government.

There is currently no penning obligation for birds on children’s farms. They fall under hobbyists. Locking up is only for companies. Children’s farm Erve ‘t Wooldrik borders directly on the pond in the Wooldrikspark, where several dozen water birds live.

Bad to fight

Avian flu was recently diagnosed in the Stroinkpark, which killed a large proportion of the waterfowl. Bird flu is difficult to combat. Agencies such as animal protection and veterinarians also struggle with the agony for the animals. Catching and euthanizing is cumbersome, time consuming and costly. Moreover, not all of the wild animals that become infected can be found.

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