Suspicion of illegal work on one of the 2024 Olympics sites

by time news

Solideo (an Olympic works delivery company) lodged a complaint and terminated the contract awarded to a company after an inspection by the Labor Inspectorate on one of the sites for the Paris-2024 Olympic Games which brought to light facts of illegal work, she announced on Monday.

The facts were noted during a surprise inspection by the labor inspectorate on June 9 on one of the sites related to the athletes’ village located in the town of Saint-Denis. “We were made aware on June 16 and the facts appear sufficiently substantiated and serious”, explained to AFP the general manager of Solideo Nicolas Ferrand. It would be “less than a dozen undeclared workers”, assures a source close to the company.

“I therefore suspended the work, terminated the contract of the company in question and filed a complaint”, assured Nicolas Ferrand, assuring that this incident would lead to “a delay of several weeks”. “But respect for the law is more important. And we will of course make up for this delay, ”he assured. “The message sent is a strong message. It’s no small thing to terminate a deal. And that shows that the controls are working, ”says the source close to the company.

Solideo (4 billion euros budget including 1.5 public money) is responsible for building or renovating structures for the Paris Olympics to be held in the summer of 2024, which range from the athletes’ village, in through the renovation of gymnasiums or interchanges or road bridges, which represents around sixty works.

In March 2022, a dozen undocumented workers were identified during another inspection by the labor inspectorate on the site of the athletes’ village. The investigation had been triggered following a report from the CGT, which had also warned Bernard Thibault, former secretary general of this union, who sits on the board of directors of Solideo. More than a hundred checks have been carried out since the launch of the Olympic Games.

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