Suspicions have been brought against E. Švenčionienė for speaking about the tragedy of Medininkai

by times news cr

“Today, in the pre-trial investigation regarding the criminal act, the signs of which are provided for in Article 170² of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania, “Public approval of international crimes, the crimes of the USSR or Nazi Germany, their denial or gross disparagement”, a notice of suspicion was served on E. Š. The suspect was interrogated, a search was carried out,” the prosecutor’s office said in a statement.

E. Švenčionienė herself writes about the search on Facebook.

“An ordinary search is an opportunity to review accumulated items and documents, it is a great opportunity for transformation. Thanks to the cool forensics. The government is afraid of Svenčionienė. Strength”, writes E. Švenčionienė.

ELTA reminds that the preliminary investigation on July 31 began the Prosecutor General Nida Grunskienė, in response to the false statements made public on the social network Facebook about the crime against humanity committed by the Riga Special Purpose Militia unit on July 31, 1991 – the attack on the Medininkai border point, during which seven Lithuanian officers were killed and one was seriously injured .

“The tragedy of the carpenters, the dark Lithuanian spec. a consequence of the activities of the services. Many facts indicated that the killers were from among themselves. The truth is hidden, the witnesses remain silent,” E. Švenčionienė wrote on the social network at the time.

The pre-trial investigation is conducted by the officers of the Vilnius County Chief Police Commissariat, the investigation is organized and led by the prosecutor of the Vilnius district prosecutor’s office of the Vilnius district prosecutor’s office.

The pretrial detention measure for the suspect is a written promise not to leave.

Penal Code Public approval of genocide, other crimes against humanity, aggression against the Republic of Lithuania committed by the USSR, very serious or serious crimes committed by others who committed or participated in aggression against the Republic of Lithuania in 1990-1991, their denial or gross disparagement is punishable by imprisonment for up to two years .

E. Švenčionienė’s associate Algirdas Paleckis was also convicted more than a decade ago for a similar crime, when false statements were made publicly denying the crimes committed by the USSR against the state of Lithuania.

The latter has stated that on the bloody night of January 13, 1991, he “shot himself at himself” near the Vilnius TV tower.

E. Švenčionienė is on trial in a criminal case for possible action against Lithuania, in a recent administrative case the court upheld a fine of 700 euros imposed by the police for publicly publishing a portrait of Bolshevik leader Lenin.

2024-08-22 05:57:14

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