Suspicions of fictitious jobs in the Assembly: the mother-in-law of Thierry Solère and the Deloitte firm indicted

by time news

Already indicted for a succession of financial offences, the deputy (LREM) of Hauts-de-Seine Thierry Solère does not end up accumulating legal setbacks. His mother-in-law and the Deloitte firm were recently indicted as part of an investigation, in Nanterre, targeting this close adviser to Emmanuel Macron, reveals Mediapart.

His mother-in-law was indicted on March 30 for “concealment of embezzlement of public funds”. She is suspected of having held a fictitious job at the National Assembly for fourteen months, between 2015 and 2016. The firm Deloitte, which employed Thierry Solère between 2011 and 2012 by paying him 20,000 euros in fees, has as for he was indicted on April 1 for “active influence peddling”. A “totally unfounded” indictment according to the audit and consulting firm, which will file a request for nullity “in the coming days”.

“Weekly reports” from his mother-in-law by email

To justify himself, Thierry Solère assured that his mother-in-law gave him “weekly activity reports” by email. On the subject of the Deloitte firm, the former vice-president of the Hauts-de-Seine departmental council affirms that his contract “excludes any work in the Hauts-de-Seine” and that he was then only a “simple opposition municipal councilor in Boulogne-Billancourt”.

The wife of Thierry Solère, who was his parliamentary collaborator between 2012 and 2017, was placed under the status of assisted witness, less incriminating than that of indicted. Thierry Solère, current political adviser to the president, denounced the continuation of a “judicial cavalry”.

These new prosecutions are part of a judicial investigation opened in Nanterre in 2019, where the elected official, aged 50, is indicted on thirteen counts, including “tax evasion”, “fictitious employment and “illicit financing of election expenses”. The deputy also used his mandate expenses for personal expenses, at La Française des jeux in particular, specifies Mediapart.

Suspicions of influence in the service of real estate companies

The last indictments against him were pronounced on January 31, in particular for “passive influence peddling”. He is suspected of having “used his influence to obtain contracts” for real estate companies between 2007 and 2017, and for a consulting company between 2011 and 2012, according to the Nanterre prosecutor’s office, questioned in January .

Thierry Solère was also indicted for breaches of reporting obligations to the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP). The investigators suspect him, among other things, of having failed to declare, in 2014, “a substantial part of his interests, in particular under his activities as a consultant in the period preceding his election”. For his part, Thierry Solère explains that the list of “all of the clients” of a consultant was not a mandatory element to provide, which would clear him according to him.

His defense again requested, in April, the cancellation of the legal proceedings. The Versailles Court of Appeal is due to render its decision on July 1.

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