Sustainable mobility, the Region and Asset award a video from the Salvemini high school

by time news

twelve o’clock, November 9, 2021 – 6:11 PM

In addition to the primacy of the Bari school, another Apulian institute also distinguished itself, the Basile Caramia-Gigante of Alberobello finalist among the ten best proposals with the VB class

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The councilor for transport and sustainable mobility, Anita Maurodinoia, together with the general director of Asset, the regional strategic agency for the eco-sustainable development of the territory, Elio Sannicandro, awarded the fifth year students, section I, of the Salvemini scientific high school, authors of “Another story”, a video that promotes sustainable mobility and road safety. The video ranked first in the ORA Project, Open road alliance, by the Unipolis Foundation and Cittadinanzattiva, aimed at promoting a new culture of mobility. The project involved 57 schools in 32 municipalities belonging to the 14 Italian metropolitan cities. In addition to the primacy of Salvemini, another Apulian institute also distinguished itself, the “Basile Caramia – Gigante” of Alberobello (Ba) finalist among the ten best proposals with class V B.

The prize

The video of the Salvemini scientific high school students was inspired by the Cinderella tale in its modern declination and was made with funds from the “Idea” project (Innovation, dynamic entrepreneurship and avances tech, maeketing and communication) Pon 2014/2020. A group of girls and boys created three different high-impact videos including the one focused on sustainable mobility and road safety; areas dealt with by Asset, the strategic regional agency for the eco-sustainable development of the territory, which organized today’s ceremony at the headquarters of the regional councilor for mobility. “Sustainable mobility cannot be just a slogan, but it must be a priority that unites institutions, citizens and above all young people on the same front, starting with the world of education”, comments Councilor Maurodinoia. “I particularly appreciated the three videos – The past, Love story, Another story – which, through the language of young people, direct and ironic, show how effective and intelligent eco-sustainable alternatives are for mobility. Paraphrasing the title of one of the three videos, I believe that this initiative is precisely ‘A beautiful story’ from Puglia which makes us proud and proud. I hope these commercials go viral, because they spread a message of great public utility and they do it effectively thanks to the skills of these girls and boys ”.


“For girls and boys, the project represented a training path and a contest that will lead them to the realization of the first Manifesto of sustainable mobility of the Italian school”, comments Anna Arcuti, Salvemini teacher and tutor of the project. “The fifth year students, section I, class of Communication – continues the teacher – worked in groups with the aim of creating the most captivating spot with the aim of promoting a new culture of mobility, through innovative sustainability models, and their active participation as citizens. The storyboards of the three commercials made by the students of Salvemini were conceived and created by the students, in the wake of their imagination, and not only, also on what they have learned and put into practice in these years of school “. The ORA project started last year, in the middle of the pandemic, and ended with a big party, Thursday 16 September in Rome, where the ten schools selected for the most interesting jobs met on the occasion of the opening of the European Mobility Week. sustainable.

November 9, 2021 | 18:11

© Time.News

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