Sustainable urban mobility, under debate at the Green Urban Mobility Forum

by time news

2023-12-06 00:00:00

Sustainable urban mobility and its influence on the transformation of cities will be one of the axes on which the Green Urban Mobility forum will pivot, which will be held next December 12 at the Europa Palace in Vitoria organized by the Government’s Transport Department. Vasco, with Euskotren and Euskal Trenbide Sarea, coinciding with the tenth anniversary of the launch of the tram in the capital of Alava.


Around 150 professionals are expected to participate in the meeting, who will contribute their vision on urban mobility and city design, trends in digitalization and active mobility, in addition to different national and international experiences of logistics in the last mile. The day will also address issues such as the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in transport, the increase in home deliveries and the consequent environmental impact or restrictions on private vehicles in city centres.

The implementation of the tram almost fifteen years ago, a milestone that will be met on December 23, meant a gradual change in mobility habits. The expansion to other neighborhoods, the reorganization of bus lines or the recent commissioning of the smart electric bus make Vitoria an example among medium-sized cities.

Free registration

The day, open to the public and with free registration, will begin with an introductory presentation ‘A look at mobility in Euskadi’, by Iratxe García, director of the Basque Institute of Logistics. Subsequently, Ignacio Alcalde, expert in Smart Cities and Smart Territories , address the urban transformation with the city as a framework scenario, Andrés Juste Hernández, responsible for urban mobility and the Basque Country region in the geographical unit G2 Spain and Portugal of DG Regio of the European Commission, will intervene next. urban in the cohesion policy of the European Union

Two round tables

After a brief break, two round tables will be held, ‘City model and urban mobility’ moderated by Arantza Leturiondo, an advisor in management and public governance and with extensive experience in territorial planning, urban planning and the environment in the Basque Government and with the participation by Gerardo Lertxundi, CEO of Metropolitan Transport of Barcelona, ​​and Carlos Ibarlucea, general coordinator of the City Model, Environment and Economic Promotion area of ​​the Vitoria City Council.

The second table will have as its main topic Low Emission Zones and last mile logistics.
Moderated by Mercedes Llop Pomares, a Transport and Urban Planning consultant who currently directs the Master in Logistics Business and Supply Chain Management at the Camilo José Cela University, will have the participation of Montserrat Estaca Gómez, Provincial Head of Traffic at the DGT. , Jordi Casas Juan, expert in planning and management of sustainable mobility, and José Carlos Espeso, head of the Smart Distribution area of ​​Aecot Spain.

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